Re: [sqlite] SQLite :memory: performance difference between v2 and v3?

2006-05-05 Thread Ivan Voras

> In any case we seem to be settling to a long term
> sustained rate of 
> about 40 flushes per second for WinXP. Since SQLite
> is getting only 10 
> inserts per second, it seems to me that SQLite must
> be doing about 4 
> flushes per insert. Does that seem right to you
> Richard?

For what it's worth, it's maybe slightly worse on
FreeBSD. Here's a sample of iostat for the (original)
C benchmark with sqlite2:

  tty ad0 cpu
 tin tout  KB/t tps  MB/s  us ni sy in id
   0   43 11.71 661  7.56  12  0  5  2 81
   0  129 13.65 457  6.08   2  0  1  1 96
   0   43 13.16 662  8.52   2  0  6  2 91
   0   43 13.21 767  9.89   2  0  8  2 89
   0   43 13.61 591  7.86   5  0  2  1 93
   0   43 13.19 523  6.74   0  0  5  2 93
   0   43 13.21 520  6.71   1  0  3  1 95
   0   43 13.45 453  5.95   1  0  6  0 93
   0   43 13.26 663  8.59   2  0  4  1 93
   0   43 13.17 410  5.27   2  0  2  2 95
   0   43 13.52 495  6.53   2  0  2  0 97
   8   43 13.41 565  7.40   2  0  6  1 91

I/O transactions/s rate probably averages to something
like 550, and the benchmark reported ~90 queries/s, so
the rate is around 6 I/O ops per INSERT.

sqlite3 is similar, but with a twist:

  tty ad0 cpu
 tin tout  KB/t tps  MB/s  us ni sy in id
   0   43 11.48 560  6.28   2  0  4  2 92
   0  129 11.79 695  8.01   2  0  5  1 92
   0   43 12.12 405  4.79   5  0  5  0 91
   0   43 12.57 483  5.92   1  0  7  0 93
   8   43 12.66 384  4.74   2  0  3  2 94
   0   43 12.00 416  4.87   1  0  4  0 95
   0   43 11.93 756  8.81   2  0  3  2 93
   0   43 12.04 696  8.19   3  0  3  1 93
   8   43 12.36 677  8.17   1  0  3  1 95
   8   43 12.38 680  8.22   2  0  5  0 94
   0   43 11.74 554  6.36   0  0  1  1 98
   0   43 12.16 657  7.80   1  0  2  1 96
   0   43 12.16 789  9.37   2  0  3  1 95
   0   43 12.36 573  6.92   2  0  5  2 92

The I/O transactions/s rate is similar (or at least
not significantly lower) but the transactions are a
bit smaller. Measured ~65 INSERTs/sec. so it's ~8 I/O
transactions per INSERT. Exact statistics calulations
are left as an excercise for the reader :)

(interpretation of cpu stats: time spent in file
system & disk is "sy" (=system) + "in" (=interrupt);
id=idle, us=user)

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Re: [sqlite] SQLite :memory: performance difference between v2 and v3?

2006-05-04 Thread Jay Sprenkle

On 5/4/06, Dennis Cote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It seems *really* strange that deleting the file would reduce the
average run time of the 1 loop case by more than 60 seconds. Neither
overwriting the file or deleting the file should take anywhere near this
long. These are small files of only 10K characters after all.

I think I understand that part. In one case (the deleted file)
it's going to the free disk block list to allocate new chunks of disk
space for the file.
This is probably very quick since that's probably cached. In the other case,
If the file isn't deleted it has to read the directory entry, figure
out where the disk
block is that represents that portion of the file, then seek to it, insert the
data into the existing block image, then write.

Re: [sqlite] SQLite :memory: performance difference between v2 and v3?

2006-05-04 Thread Dennis Cote

Doug Currie wrote:

Add the line:


in front of the CreateFile() call...


This does make a difference. I thought that the CREATE_ALWAYS flag to 
CreateFile would delete any existing file, but upon further 
investigation I found out that what it does is open the file and set its 
length to 0. Apparently it it faster to delete the file. In either case 
it seems to be a side effect of these calls, since their execution time 
is not included in the measurements.

There seems to be another effect due to the run time of the program. For 
loops of 1000 flushes I consistently get higher rates than for loops of 
1 flushes. I know some OS's lower the priority of long running 
process that do lots of I/O. This is supposed to be an indication of a 
long running batch type process so they do this to improve the response 
to more interactive processes. In my case the CPU is spending most of 
its time in the idle process waiting for the disk so this still doesn't 
make much sense.

The following is the from my first six runs with 1000 flushes per run. 
The first column is the time, the second is the flushes/sec rate.

These are the average and standard deviation of the execution time 
above, as well as the ratio of the standard deviation to the average as 
percentage which is an indication of the variability.


When I increased the number of loops by a factor of 10 to average over a 
longer time I got the following results for seven runs.



The average flush rate dropped to 80% of it previous value, and the 
variability dropped by about 40%.

After I saw your posting, I modified my code to explicitly delete the 
file before each run and repeated the tests. For 10 runs with 1000 loops 
I got:




The average flush rate increased by 70% and the variability dropped by 
about 50%.

I then repeated the test with loops of 1 flushes per run and got the 
following results.



Again the average flush rate over the longer run is about 60% of what it 
was for the short runs. The variability is only 20% of what it was 
without the explicit delete.

It seems *really* strange that deleting the file would reduce the 
average run time of the 1 loop case by more than 60 seconds. Neither 
overwriting the file or deleting the file should take anywhere near this 
long. These are small files of only 10K characters after all.

Something else is going on here. If we can figure out what, we may be 
able to speed up SQLite under Windows. It currently seems to be running 
about 1/8 the speed of FreeBSD when doing inserts with individual 

In any case we seem to be settling to a long term sustained rate of 
about 40 flushes per second for WinXP. Since SQLite is getting only 10 
inserts per second, it seems to me that SQLite must be doing about 4 
flushes per insert. Does that seem right to you Richard?

Dennis Cote

Re: [sqlite] SQLite :memory: performance difference between v2 and v3?

2006-05-04 Thread COS

- Original Message - 
From: "Dennis Cote" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 2:27 PM
Subject: Re: [sqlite] SQLite :memory: performance difference between v2 and

> All,
> More mysteries. To investigate this low insert performance under WinXP I
> wrote a simple test program that loops writing one character to a file
> and then flushing the file. The strange thing is that it seems to
> alternate between two different run times as shown below. This is for 6
> consecutive runs.

If you are using WinXP with Service Pack 2 this can be the problem. I have
experienced a lot of issues with the Windows XP Firewall. The funniest (or
strangest) thing I have found so far is that the Firewall seems to block
certain things even if it is deactivated. The problem gets a lot worse if
you use an Anti-Virus software. In my case I use Viruscan and although I
unchecked all the options to check TCP/IP connections, emails, etc it still
slows my network traffic down. If I disable it everything works perfectly.
For example I work with mysql and connections to query data from the server
(another PC in local network) takes forever when Viruscan is active.

Just some thoughts.

Best Regards,


Re: [sqlite] SQLite :memory: performance difference between v2 and v3?

2006-05-04 Thread Doug Currie
Thursday, May 4, 2006, 1:27:49 PM, Dennis Cote wrote:

> More mysteries. To investigate this low insert performance under WinXP I
> wrote a simple test program that loops writing one character to a file
> and then flushing the file. The strange thing is that it seems to 
> alternate between two different run times ...

Your program...

$ flushtst
15 seconds, 67 flushes/sec

$ flushtst
26 seconds, 38 flushes/sec

$ flushtst
26 seconds, 38 flushes/sec

$ flushtst
27 seconds, 37 flushes/sec

$ flushtst
27 seconds, 37 flushes/sec

Add the line:


in front of the CreateFile() call...

$ flushtst
15 seconds, 67 flushes/sec

$ flushtst
14 seconds, 71 flushes/sec

$ flushtst
13 seconds, 77 flushes/sec

$ flushtst
12 seconds, 83 flushes/sec


Re: [sqlite] SQLite :memory: performance difference between v2 and v3?

2006-05-04 Thread Jay Sprenkle

This program is almost completely I/O bound. It spends all its time
sleeping so its CPU usage is nearly zero. There might be some disk
contention from other programs, but I would think that should be fairly
constant. I am re-testing with longer run times to check this.

You give up your time slice to the operating system when you block
waiting on I/O.
If the operating system doesn't return control to you before your current I/O
completes then you'll certainly slow down. I've seen current versions of windows
just freeze for long periods if a CD isn't readable, so I'm certain this can

Given Ivan's notes about how NTFS works under the covers I would bet on his
idea over mine though.

Re: [sqlite] SQLite :memory: performance difference between v2 and v3?

2006-05-04 Thread Dennis Cote

Jay Sprenkle wrote:

Initially performance is good but the degrades?
Some other processes must be sucking up cpu time?


This program is almost completely I/O bound. It spends all its time 
sleeping so its CPU usage is nearly zero. There might be some disk 
contention from other programs, but I would think that should be fairly 
constant. I am re-testing with longer run times to check this.

Dennis Cote

Re: [sqlite] SQLite :memory: performance difference between v2 and v3?

2006-05-04 Thread Ivan Voras
--- Dennis Cote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> All,
> More mysteries. To investigate this low insert
> performance under WinXP I 
> wrote a simple test program that loops writing one
> character to a file 
> and then flushing the file. The strange thing is
> that it seems to 
> alternate between two different run times as shown
> below. This is for 6 
> consecutive runs.

Don't know for sure, but I can offer some educated
guesses for the scattering of results:

- NTFS is a fairly complex file system (more complex
than traditional FS-es), with several tables into
which file data must be written and cross linked, as
well as a data journal. The scattering of locations
for these journals means that seek times are
different, depending where the data is laid out on
disk. In particular because there's a journal,
consecutive program runs never actually write to the
same place on the disk even if it seems so to the
application. The results you have seen (alternating
between two values) can also be provoked on complex
database systems (in particular PostgreSQL) with
simple benchmarks (e.g. pgbench) on relativly simple
non-journaled file systems (such as UFS) when one
benchmark run nearly fills a write-ahead log and the
log gets processed/commited in the next run.

- Windows has many background disk users / writers -
Explorer, registry and other components are known to
"wake up" periodically and write their data (whatever
it is).

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Re: [sqlite] SQLite :memory: performance difference between v2 and v3?

2006-05-04 Thread Jay Sprenkle

On 5/4/06, Dennis Cote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


More mysteries. To investigate this low insert performance under WinXP I
wrote a simple test program that loops writing one character to a file
and then flushing the file. The strange thing is that it seems to
alternate between two different run times as shown below. This is for 6
consecutive runs.

13 seconds, 77 flushes/sec

22 seconds, 45 flushes/sec

17 seconds, 59 flushes/sec

18 seconds, 56 flushes/sec

21 seconds, 48 flushes/sec

22 seconds, 45 flushes/sec

Initially performance is good but the degrades?
Some other processes must be sucking up cpu time?

Re: [sqlite] SQLite :memory: performance difference between v2 and v3?

2006-05-04 Thread Dennis Cote


More mysteries. To investigate this low insert performance under WinXP I 
wrote a simple test program that loops writing one character to a file 
and then flushing the file. The strange thing is that it seems to 
alternate between two different run times as shown below. This is for 6 
consecutive runs.

   26 seconds, 38 flushes/sec

   18 seconds, 56 flushes/sec

   26 seconds, 38 flushes/sec

   19 seconds, 53 flushes/sec

   26 seconds, 38 flushes/sec

   18 seconds, 56 flushes/sec

Does anyone have any ideas what might cause this kind of behavior?

My test code is included below. Note in the version using the standard 
library, fflush() seems to be ignored under WinXP because it does about 
1M flushes per second. Hence the Win32 API version which produces the 
results above.

Dennis Cote


#ifdef WIN32


int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   int i, count = 1000;
   char c;
   time_t bgn, end;
   double t;
   HANDLE f;
   long written;

   f = CreateFile("test.txt", GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 

   bgn = time(NULL);
   for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
   c = 'a' + i % 26;
   WriteFile(f, &c, 1, &written, NULL);

   end = time(NULL);

   t = difftime(end, bgn);
   printf("%0.0f seconds, %0.0f flushes/sec\n", t, count / t);
   //system("PAUSE");  //for Dev-Cpp IDE
   return 0;



int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   int i, count = 100;
   FILE* f;
   char c;
   time_t bgn, end;
   double t;

   f = fopen("test.txt", "w");

   bgn = time(NULL);
   for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
   c = 'a' + i % 26;
   fputc(c, f);

   end = time(NULL);

   t = difftime(end, bgn);
   printf("%0.0f seconds, %0.0f flushes/sec\n", t, count / t);
   //system("PAUSE");  //for Dev-Cpp IDE   
   return 0;



Re: [sqlite] SQLite :memory: performance difference between v2 and v3?

2006-05-03 Thread Joe Wilson

> > Good ol' gprof.
> > It works as well today as it did 15 years ago.

--- Bill KING <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Unless your app (and the stuff you want to profile) is multi-threaded. Ugh.

So true. Valgrind is your friend with multithreaded code.
Quantify used to good when Pure Software owned it, I'm not so sure now.

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Re: [sqlite] SQLite :memory: performance difference between v2 and v3?

2006-05-03 Thread Joe Wilson
Using the latest CVS and -O2, the :memory: database test with 
100K inserts in a transaction completes in 6.921s.

:memory: inserts are now just 15% slower when transactions 
are not used, as opposed to 7 times slower in yesterday's CVS.

The timings for 100K inserts in a transaction with the latest CVS
code is the same as yesterday's code (6.875s).

> With -O2, the same :memory: no-outer-BEGIN/COMMIT benchmark is 6 times faster 
> (7.953s now versus
> 47.828s with yesterday's CVS).

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Re: [sqlite] SQLite :memory: performance difference between v2 and v3?

2006-05-03 Thread Bill KING
Joe Wilson wrote:
>> Just curious: what did you use to generate the
>> profile? (i.e. which profiler?)
> Good ol' gprof.
> It works as well today as it did 15 years ago.
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
Unless your app (and the stuff you want to profile) is multi-threaded. Ugh.

Bill King, Software Engineer
Trolltech, Brisbane Technology Park
26 Brandl St, Eight Mile Plains, 
QLD, Australia, 4113
Tel + 61 7 3219 9906 (x137)
Fax + 61 7 3219 9938
mobile: 0423 532 733

Re: [sqlite] SQLite :memory: performance difference between v2 and v3?

2006-05-03 Thread Joe Wilson
> Just curious: what did you use to generate the
> profile? (i.e. which profiler?)

Good ol' gprof.
It works as well today as it did 15 years ago.

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Re: [sqlite] SQLite :memory: performance difference between v2 and v3?

2006-05-03 Thread Ivan Voras

> > profile results with dirty pages fix:
> > 
> >   %   cumulative   self  self
> total
> >  time   seconds   secondscalls  ms/call 
> ms/call  name
> >   9.20  0.31 0.31   100011 0.00
> 0.03  sqlite3VdbeExec
> >   7.42  0.56 0.25  4849544 0.00
> 0.00  sqlite3VdbeRecordCompare
> >   6.68  0.79 0.23 10487713 0.00
> 0.00  parseCellPtr

Just curious: what did you use to generate the
profile? (i.e. which profiler?)

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Re: [sqlite] SQLite :memory: performance difference between v2 and v3?

2006-05-03 Thread Joe Wilson
The results below are for a non-optimized build.

With -O2, the same :memory: no-outer-BEGIN/COMMIT benchmark is 6 times faster 
(7.953s now versus
47.828s with yesterday's CVS).

--- Joe Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Can you rerun your tests with the latest CVS check-in
> > and let me know if it makes a difference?
> With the latest CVS, Dennis' :memory: database test without outer 
> BEGIN/COMMIT is now 4.3 times
> faster on my machine (58.1s before, 13.4s now).
> profile results with dirty pages fix:
>   %   cumulative   self  self total
>  time   seconds   secondscalls  ms/call  ms/call  name
>   9.20  0.31 0.31   100011 0.00 0.03  sqlite3VdbeExec
>   7.42  0.56 0.25  4849544 0.00 0.00  sqlite3VdbeRecordCompare
>   6.68  0.79 0.23 10487713 0.00 0.00  parseCellPtr
>   5.04  0.95 0.17 12943618 0.00 0.00  sqlite3VdbeSerialGet
>   5.04  1.12 0.17   46 0.00 0.00  sqlite3BtreeMoveto
>   4.45  1.27 0.15  6471807 0.00 0.00  sqlite3MemCompare
>   3.56  1.40 0.12 19270230 0.00 0.00  get2byte
>   3.56  1.51 0.12 12181181 0.00 0.00  findCell
>   3.26  1.62 0.11  3227291 0.00 0.00  binCollFunc
>   2.97  1.73 0.10  2064924 0.00 0.00  sqlite3pager_get
>   2.82  1.82 0.10  4500154 0.00 0.00  sqlite3pager_unref
>   2.67  1.91 0.0929816 0.00 0.02  balance_nonroot
>   2.37  1.99 0.08  2716112 0.00 0.00  _page_ref
>   2.23  2.06 0.07  5270826 0.00 0.00  findOverflowCell
>   2.08  2.13 0.07  2100045 0.00 0.00  sqlite3VdbeSerialType
>   2.08  2.21 0.07  1332302 0.00 0.00  initPage
>   2.08  2.27 0.0786067 0.00 0.00  assemblePage
>   1.78  2.33 0.06   34 0.00 0.01  sqlite3BtreeInsert
>   1.48  2.38 0.05  6735322 0.00 0.00  put2byte
>   1.48  2.44 0.05  3432951 0.00 0.00  pager_lookup
> results for same test with yesterday's CVS:
>   %   cumulative   self  self total
>  time   seconds   secondscalls  ms/call  ms/call  name
>  83.61 25.2025.20   12 0.25 0.25  
> pager_get_all_dirty_pages
>   1.87 25.77 0.56   100011 0.01 0.17  sqlite3VdbeExec
>   1.00 26.07 0.30  4849544 0.00 0.00  sqlite3VdbeRecordCompare
>   0.78 26.30 0.23 10487713 0.00 0.00  parseCellPtr
>   0.63 26.49 0.19 12943618 0.00 0.00  sqlite3VdbeSerialGet
>   0.60 26.67 0.18   46 0.00 0.00  sqlite3BtreeMoveto
>   0.50 26.82 0.15  3432951 0.00 0.00  pager_lookup
>   0.43 26.95 0.13  2064924 0.00 0.00  sqlite3pager_get
>   0.38 27.07 0.12  6471807 0.00 0.00  sqlite3MemCompare
>   0.36 27.18 0.11 19270230 0.00 0.00  get2byte
>   0.36 27.29 0.11  1368027 0.00 0.00  reparentPage
>   0.36 27.39 0.1129816 0.00 0.03  balance_nonroot
>   0.33 27.50 0.10  2716112 0.00 0.00  _page_ref
>   0.33 27.59 0.10  1858370 0.00 0.00  getAndInitPage
>   0.30 27.68 0.09  4849549 0.00 0.00  fetchPayload
>   0.28 27.77 0.09  6735322 0.00 0.00  put2byte
>   0.28 27.86 0.09  1964919 0.00 0.00  getPage
>   0.27 27.93 0.08 12181181 0.00 0.00  findCell
>   0.27 28.02 0.08  5270826 0.00 0.00  findOverflowCell
>   0.27 28.09 0.08  2722659 0.00 0.00  pageDestructor
>   0.27 28.18 0.08  1332302 0.00 0.00  initPage
>   0.27 28.25 0.08   359548 0.00 0.00  insertCell
>   0.27 28.34 0.08   34 0.00 0.01  sqlite3BtreeInsert
>   0.25 28.41 0.07  4500154 0.00 0.00  sqlite3pager_unref
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: [sqlite] SQLite :memory: performance difference between v2 and v3?

2006-05-03 Thread Joe Wilson
> Can you rerun your tests with the latest CVS check-in
> and let me know if it makes a difference?

With the latest CVS, Dennis' :memory: database test without outer BEGIN/COMMIT 
is now 4.3 times
faster on my machine (58.1s before, 13.4s now).

profile results with dirty pages fix:

  %   cumulative   self  self total
 time   seconds   secondscalls  ms/call  ms/call  name
  9.20  0.31 0.31   100011 0.00 0.03  sqlite3VdbeExec
  7.42  0.56 0.25  4849544 0.00 0.00  sqlite3VdbeRecordCompare
  6.68  0.79 0.23 10487713 0.00 0.00  parseCellPtr
  5.04  0.95 0.17 12943618 0.00 0.00  sqlite3VdbeSerialGet
  5.04  1.12 0.17   46 0.00 0.00  sqlite3BtreeMoveto
  4.45  1.27 0.15  6471807 0.00 0.00  sqlite3MemCompare
  3.56  1.40 0.12 19270230 0.00 0.00  get2byte
  3.56  1.51 0.12 12181181 0.00 0.00  findCell
  3.26  1.62 0.11  3227291 0.00 0.00  binCollFunc
  2.97  1.73 0.10  2064924 0.00 0.00  sqlite3pager_get
  2.82  1.82 0.10  4500154 0.00 0.00  sqlite3pager_unref
  2.67  1.91 0.0929816 0.00 0.02  balance_nonroot
  2.37  1.99 0.08  2716112 0.00 0.00  _page_ref
  2.23  2.06 0.07  5270826 0.00 0.00  findOverflowCell
  2.08  2.13 0.07  2100045 0.00 0.00  sqlite3VdbeSerialType
  2.08  2.21 0.07  1332302 0.00 0.00  initPage
  2.08  2.27 0.0786067 0.00 0.00  assemblePage
  1.78  2.33 0.06   34 0.00 0.01  sqlite3BtreeInsert
  1.48  2.38 0.05  6735322 0.00 0.00  put2byte
  1.48  2.44 0.05  3432951 0.00 0.00  pager_lookup

results for same test with yesterday's CVS:

  %   cumulative   self  self total
 time   seconds   secondscalls  ms/call  ms/call  name
 83.61 25.2025.20   12 0.25 0.25  pager_get_all_dirty_pages
  1.87 25.77 0.56   100011 0.01 0.17  sqlite3VdbeExec
  1.00 26.07 0.30  4849544 0.00 0.00  sqlite3VdbeRecordCompare
  0.78 26.30 0.23 10487713 0.00 0.00  parseCellPtr
  0.63 26.49 0.19 12943618 0.00 0.00  sqlite3VdbeSerialGet
  0.60 26.67 0.18   46 0.00 0.00  sqlite3BtreeMoveto
  0.50 26.82 0.15  3432951 0.00 0.00  pager_lookup
  0.43 26.95 0.13  2064924 0.00 0.00  sqlite3pager_get
  0.38 27.07 0.12  6471807 0.00 0.00  sqlite3MemCompare
  0.36 27.18 0.11 19270230 0.00 0.00  get2byte
  0.36 27.29 0.11  1368027 0.00 0.00  reparentPage
  0.36 27.39 0.1129816 0.00 0.03  balance_nonroot
  0.33 27.50 0.10  2716112 0.00 0.00  _page_ref
  0.33 27.59 0.10  1858370 0.00 0.00  getAndInitPage
  0.30 27.68 0.09  4849549 0.00 0.00  fetchPayload
  0.28 27.77 0.09  6735322 0.00 0.00  put2byte
  0.28 27.86 0.09  1964919 0.00 0.00  getPage
  0.27 27.93 0.08 12181181 0.00 0.00  findCell
  0.27 28.02 0.08  5270826 0.00 0.00  findOverflowCell
  0.27 28.09 0.08  2722659 0.00 0.00  pageDestructor
  0.27 28.18 0.08  1332302 0.00 0.00  initPage
  0.27 28.25 0.08   359548 0.00 0.00  insertCell
  0.27 28.34 0.08   34 0.00 0.01  sqlite3BtreeInsert
  0.25 28.41 0.07  4500154 0.00 0.00  sqlite3pager_unref

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Re: [sqlite] SQLite :memory: performance difference between v2 and v3?

2006-05-03 Thread Ivan Voras
> I also noticed that your values for this case are
> much higher than mine, 
> which are 10 and 13 ips respectively. I realize that
> you are using a 
> different OS (FreeBSD vs WinXP) but I was wondering
> if you had any 
> special disk hardware that might account for some of
> this difference. 
> Are you using fast SCSI disks or perhaps a RAID
> array?

Nothing special, a desktop machine with PATA drives
(standalone, no RAID), default file system options. 

My /tmp is a memory device (RAM-drive) but I noticed
sqlite creates the journal in the same directory as
the database file so it shouldn't matter.

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Re: [sqlite] SQLite :memory: performance difference between v2 and v3?

2006-05-03 Thread drh
Dennis Cote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My results are summarized below.

Can you rerun your tests with the latest CVS check-in
and let me know if it makes a difference?
D. Richard Hipp   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: [sqlite] SQLite :memory: performance difference between v2 and v3?

2006-05-03 Thread Dennis Cote

Ivan Voras wrote:

When using a file the difference is much smaller, but
still there: ~70 qps with sqlite3, ~90 qps with

I also noticed that your values for this case are much higher than mine, 
which are 10 and 13 ips respectively. I realize that you are using a 
different OS (FreeBSD vs WinXP) but I was wondering if you had any 
special disk hardware that might account for some of this difference. 
Are you using fast SCSI disks or perhaps a RAID array?

Dennis Cote

Re: [sqlite] SQLite :memory: performance difference between v2 and v3?

2006-05-02 Thread Ivan Voras

> Does it only happen with a :memory: database or even
> if you use a
> file?

When using a file the difference is much smaller, but
still there: ~70 qps with sqlite3, ~90 qps with

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Re: [sqlite] SQLite :memory: performance difference between v2 and v3?

2006-05-02 Thread Ivan Voras
--- Erik Jensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Does it only happen with a :memory: database or even
> if you use a
> file?

I'll test it this evening (but I need a :memory:
database for my application)

> With version of the v3 lib did you use?

It's 3.3.5.

> I'm asking because i noticed a similar performance
> drop (factor 10-15)
> when i wanted to upgrade my application from 3.2.1
> to 3.3.5
> Regards,
> Eric

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Re: [sqlite] SQLite :memory: performance difference between v2 and v3?

2006-05-02 Thread Erik Jensen
IV> I've spent a long time debugging low performance of an
IV> application that uses :memory: database and have found
IV> that sqlite v2 is much faster than v3. After some
IV> digging around it seems that even two proof-of-concept
IV> programs that are identical except for used SQLite
IV> version reproduce this behaviour just fine:

>> ./sqlite3_bench 
IV> 2564 qps
>> ./sqlite_bench
IV> 2 qps

IV> (that's queries per second)

IV> I've attached the source of these two programs, but in
IV> case the attachments get stripped: all they do is open
IV> a database, create a simple table with 3 fields, set
IV> one of them as primary key and add a index on another
IV> field, then insert 100,000 dummy records.
IV> Approximately the same situation is for a test that
IV> selects 100,000 records from this database one by one,
IV> only sqlite3 is about 2x faster in this case (sqlite3:
IV> 6000 qps, sqlite2: 2 qps).

IV> Is this a "known behaviour"? Should I stick to using
IV> sqlite2 for memory databases?

Two questions:

Does it only happen with a :memory: database or even if you use a

With version of the v3 lib did you use?

I'm asking because i noticed a similar performance drop (factor 10-15)
when i wanted to upgrade my application from 3.2.1 to 3.3.5


RE: [sqlite] SQLite :memory: performance difference between v2 and v3?

2006-05-01 Thread Richard Dale
> In any case, when doing any kind of benchmarking that involves disk
> you must clear the OS disk cache so that the algorithm used by the OS is 
> removed from the equation (and also to be able to compare results),
> all you're doing is benchmarking a moving target.

In Linux, if you open up a file with O_DIRECT I believe the OS will not put
it into the file system buffers (OS disk chace).

This works exceptionally well for VERY VERY LARGE databases that take up
more than the available RAM and you prefer to use your RAM for database page
caches/query caches rather than OS filesystem buffers (and avoid the
double-caching effect).

I don't know if you can force a database to be opened with O_DIRECT though
in sqlite.

Your hard drive usually has a read-ahead cache too, so that also can
interfere with true disk-bound benchmarking.

Best regards,
Richard Dale.
Norgate Investor Services
- Premium quality Stock, Futures and Foreign Exchange Data for
  markets in Australia, Asia, Canada, Europe, UK & USA - 

Re: [sqlite] SQLite :memory: performance difference between v2 and v3?

2006-05-01 Thread spaminos-sqlite
- Original Message 
From: Jay Sprenkle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
On 5/1/06, Ivan Voras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've spent a long time debugging low performance of an
> > application that uses :memory: database and have found
> > that sqlite v2 is much faster than v3. After some
> > digging around it seems that even two proof-of-concept
> > programs that are identical except for used SQLite
> > version reproduce this behaviour just fine:

> Testing is difficult to do correctly. As several people noted on this list 
> just
> today the first time they ran a query it had much different
> performance than subsequent
> runs of the query. Did you run these tests more than one time? What's your
> environment?

The precaching trick desribed earlier can not be done on memory databases as 
they are already... in memory.

The main reason first queries (sometimes it's more like the first few hundred 
queries if the db is big) are significantly slower are because of the way 
sqlite relies blindly on the OS caching mechanism for caching the 
indexes/primary keys in memory.

In any case, when doing any kind of benchmarking that involves disk access, you 
must clear the OS disk cache so that the algorithm used by the OS is removed 
from the equation (and also to be able to compare results), otherwise all 
you're doing is benchmarking a moving target.

To discard the disk caches:
on linux: easy, just umount and mount the partition that contains the db file
on windows: I don't know of any other way than clearing the whole cache with a 
tool such as Clearmem.exe (from the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit, but you 
can find it on the web very easily)

Hope this helps.


Re: [sqlite] SQLite :memory: performance difference between v2 and v3?

2006-05-01 Thread Jay Sprenkle

On 5/1/06, Ivan Voras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've spent a long time debugging low performance of an
application that uses :memory: database and have found
that sqlite v2 is much faster than v3. After some
digging around it seems that even two proof-of-concept
programs that are identical except for used SQLite
version reproduce this behaviour just fine:

Testing is difficult to do correctly. As several people noted on this list just
today the first time they ran a query it had much different
performance than subsequent
runs of the query. Did you run these tests more than one time? What's your

[sqlite] SQLite :memory: performance difference between v2 and v3?

2006-05-01 Thread Ivan Voras
I've spent a long time debugging low performance of an
application that uses :memory: database and have found
that sqlite v2 is much faster than v3. After some
digging around it seems that even two proof-of-concept
programs that are identical except for used SQLite
version reproduce this behaviour just fine:

> ./sqlite3_bench 
2564 qps
> ./sqlite_bench
2 qps

(that's queries per second)

I've attached the source of these two programs, but in
case the attachments get stripped: all they do is open
a database, create a simple table with 3 fields, set
one of them as primary key and add a index on another
field, then insert 100,000 dummy records.
Approximately the same situation is for a test that
selects 100,000 records from this database one by one,
only sqlite3 is about 2x faster in this case (sqlite3:
6000 qps, sqlite2: 2 qps).

Is this a "known behaviour"? Should I stick to using
sqlite2 for memory databases?

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