On Mar 9, 2010, at 8:35 PM, C G wrote:

> Yes I am sending this in regards to sqlite files I have found on my  
> computer. What are they ? Why are they on my computer ? Why even  
> after I re install windows , is it STILL  logging my key strokes ?  
> Is this a key logger ? How do I remove it from my computer  ?   
> Please get back to me ASAP. As I feel my privacy has been violated!!
> *** Cyndi ***

SQLite is a database engine used by many different programs to store  
data.  Programs that use SQLite include iTunes, Adobe Acrobat Reader,  
Skype, Firefox, Chrome, and Mcafee Antivirus, as well as countless  

One or more of these other programs is leaving the SQLite files on  
your computer.

SQLite is not a program or application.  It is not a virus.

D. Richard Hipp

sqlite-users mailing list

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