Well I have a port to latest version ( of sqlite to palmos, and in 
some devices with this S.O. 
had only 2MB of Dynamic Heap. On this environments sqlite doesn't works pretty 
well, then to work I had 
to set the cache size (PRAGMA cache_size) for all attached database, 
calculating the possible value based 
on the amouth of free memory and the page size. 

Hanging this on mind, on vacuum I had to do the same thing, but on vacuum the 
sqlite make attach of a 
memory database and that need use the same size of cache used by main database, 
then, I modified the 
sqlite code to do this, and now vacuum will work. I'm sending attached the path 
for this. 



Israel Lins Albuquerque 
Polibrás Brasil Software Ltda. 

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