Re: [sqlite] Write to a View

2012-11-11 Thread BareFeetWare
Hi Marco,

I know we've been discussing this directly, but since you've also mentioned it 
here on this list, I thought a response here could also facilitate greater 

An updatable view is a view that will accept insert, delete and update 
commands, propagating changes back to the underlying tables. I believe that 
some SQL database engines (not SQLite) facilitate updatable views 
automatically, if the view uses just one table or is a simple join of tables, 
showing only some of their columns (no calculations). However, any view 
(including all views in SQLite) can be explicitly designed to be updatable by 
using "instead of" triggers.

Here's a very simple single table example:

create table "Person"
(   ID integer primary key not null
,   "Name First" text collate nocase
,   "Name Last" text collate nocase
,   unique ("Name First", "Name Last")
create view "Person Sorted"
,   "Name First"
,   "Name Last"
from "Person"
order by "Name Last", "Name First"

If I want to make the "Person Sorted" view updatable, I need to consider which 
of update, insert and delete I want to facilitate, and create an "instead of" 
trigger for each:

create trigger "Person Sorted delete"
instead of delete
on "Person Sorted"
delete from "Person" where ID = old.ID
create trigger "Person Sorted insert"
instead of insert
on "Person Sorted"
insert into "Person" (ID, "Name First", "Name Last")
select new.ID, new."Name First", new."Name Last"
create trigger "Person Sorted update"
instead of update
on "Person Sorted"
update "Person"
set ID = new.ID, "Name First" = new."Name First", "Name Last" = 
new."Name Last"
where ID = old.ID

So, now, if the user opens the view "Person Sorted", they can insert, delete or 
update directly in that view, and the triggers will propagate those changes to 
the underlying table. It appears to behave just like a table.

For instance, they can do any of the following:

insert into "Person Sorted" ("Name First", "Name Last") values ('Tom', 
delete from "Person Sorted" where ID = 4
delete from "Person Sorted" where "Name Last" = 'Brodhurst-Hill'
update "Person Sorted" set "Name First" = 'Thomas' where "Name First" = 'Tom' 
and "Name Last" = 'Brodhurst-Hill'

Of course, the above example shows a view that is basically a mirror of a 
single table, so isn't very useful. It was just for illustration. Let's look at 
something more complex. Let's add the following tables so we can associate with 
each person a company, a job title and many (or one or none) email addresses. 
We can specify whether each email address is for work, home or another purpose:

create table "Company"
(   ID integer primary key not null
,   Name text collate nocase not null unique
create table "Person Company"
(   ID integer primary key not null references "Person" (ID) on delete 
cascade on update cascade
,   "Company" integer not null references "Company" (ID) on delete cascade 
on update cascade
create table "Job Title"
(   ID integer primary key not null
,   Name text collate nocase not null unique
create table "Person Job Title"
(   ID integer primary key not null references "Person" (ID) on delete 
cascade on update cascade
,   "Job Title" integer not null references "Job Title" (ID) on delete 
cascade on update cascade
create table "Purpose"
(   ID integer primary key not null
,   Name text collate nocase not null unique
insert into "Purpose" (Name) select 'Home' union select 'Work' union select 
create table "Person Email"
(   ID integer primary key not null
,   "Person" integer not null references "Person" (ID) on delete cascade on 
update cascade
,   "Email" text collate nocase not null
,   "Purpose" integer references "Purpose" (ID) on delete restrict on 
update cascade
,   unique ("Person", "Purpose")

The above structure is a fairly well normalised store of the data. In this 
example, I've restricted the database to allowing just one email address for 
each purpose. So each person can have only one work email address.

So, imagine the human resources department has populated these tables with all 
the people in our company. They want to distribute a list of all employees, 
only showing their name, company and work email address, something like this:

create view "Person Work"
"Person".ID as ID
,   "Name First"
,   "Name Last"
,   "Company"."Name" as "Company"
,   "Job Title"."Name" as "Job Title"
,   (   select "Email" from "Person Email" join "Purpose" on 
"Purpose".ID = "Purpose"
where "Person" = "Person".ID and "Purpose".Name = 'Work'
) as "Email"
from "Person"
left join "Person Company" on "Person Company".ID = "Person".ID
left join "Company" on "Co

Re: [sqlite] Write to a View

2012-11-09 Thread Clemens Ladisch
Marco Bambini wrote:
> From the official documentation:
> You cannot DELETE, INSERT, or UPDATE a view. Views are read-only in SQLite.
> However, in many cases you can use an INSTEAD OF trigger on the view to 
> accomplish the same thing.
> Can someone clarifies this point?
> Seems like it is possible to write into a view but I do not understand what 
> if the correct way to perform the operation.

The trigger must change the view's base table(s) appropriately:

sqlite> CREATE TABLE pets(name, owner);
sqlite> CREATE VIEW my_pets AS SELECT name FROM pets WHERE owner='me';
sqlite> INSERT INTO my_pets VALUES('Fluffy');
Error: cannot modify my_pets because it is a view
sqlite> CREATE TRIGGER my_pets_insert
  INSERT INTO pets(name, owner) VALUES(, 'me');
sqlite> INSERT INTO my_pets VALUES('Fluffy');
sqlite> SELECT * FROM my_pets;

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Write to a View

2012-11-09 Thread Marco Bambini
>From the official documentation:
You cannot DELETE, INSERT, or UPDATE a view. Views are read-only in SQLite.
However, in many cases you can use an INSTEAD OF trigger on the view to 
accomplish the same thing.

Can someone clarifies this point?
Seems like it is possible to write into a view but I do not understand what if 
the correct way to perform the operation.

Marco Bambini

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