Re: [sqlite] floor help (plus bug found)

2009-12-12 Thread Jean-Christophe Deschamps
[  I apologize if this appears twice on the list  ]


At 00:11 13/12/2009, you wrote:

>Sir any ida how can value rounddown floor have done
>if not possible i have make small code
>i requard make function please say how can add
>i send you my rounddown funtion
>Cose Exmaple :
>Create roundd{value,decimal){
>if (decimal>0)
>d=help requaird on decimal(10**)
>Select Cast(value As integer)||substr((value-Cast(value As 
>integer))*10*d,1,decimal)*(1/d) As rounddown;
>return rounddown;
>i am c# devloper so i know padright please make for me complete 
>function for rounddown my arjent requairment
>how add on SQLite please say
>thanks advance

I am forwarding your mail to the list as well because readers may be 
able to help you on the C# part, and for another good reason.

If your question is about rounding values at the SQLite level at some 
fixed number of decimal place, here is an example using the sqlite3 

Say we have a table created:

CREATE TABLE Samples (myValue FLOAT);

Now let us insert some values both positive and negative:

INSERT INTO Samples VALUES(6206.460984);
INSERT INTO Samples VALUES(259.026716);
INSERT INTO Samples VALUES(652864.9244028);
INSERT INTO Samples VALUES(5866.5317364);
INSERT INTO Samples VALUES(13.4058616);
INSERT INTO Samples VALUES(0.444);
INSERT INTO Samples VALUES(-6206.460984);
INSERT INTO Samples VALUES(-259.026716);
INSERT INTO Samples VALUES(-652864.9244028);
INSERT INTO Samples VALUES(-5866.5317364);
INSERT INTO Samples VALUES(-13.4058616);
INSERT INTO Samples VALUES(-0.444);

Now execute a simple query to show you how the round() SQLite function 

select myValue, round(myValue, 3), round(myValue) from Samples;

6206.460984 6206.4616206.0
259.026716  259.027 259.0
652864.9244028  652864.924  652865.0
13.4058616  13.406  13.0
0.444   0.444   0.0
0.  0.889   1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0
-6206.460984-6206.461   -6206.0
-259.026716 -259.027-259.0
-652864.9244028 -652864.924 -652865.0
-5866.5317364   -5866.532   -5867.0
-13.4058616 -13.406 -13.0
-0.444  -0.444  0.0
-0. -0.889  -1.0

You can see that SQLite round(myValue, 3) "rounds" to the 3rd decimal 
place and round(myValue) or round(myValue, 0) rounds down to integer (0 
decimal places).

But if you look more closely, you can also notice that the rounding 
direction is not correct for positive values with a fractional part 
when a non-null second parameter is given.  I did not notice that point 
in my first reply because I only rounded to integers.

I believe there is a bug here.

Take for instance the first value above: 6206.460984
It is correctly rounded _down_ to the integer value  6206
it is wrongly rounded _up_ to the 3rd decimal place  6206.461
but the correct rounding down should be  6206.460

Rounding down negative values (integral or not) works well.

Thus the correct rounding down at 3rd decimal places using SQLite can 
be done so:
 when myValue > 0 and cast(myValue as text) <> round(myValue) then
 round(myValue - 0.00051, 3)
 round(myValue, 3)

Let us see if that does what we want:

select myValue, case when myValue > 0 and cast(myValue as text) <> 
round(myValue) then round(myValue - 0.00051, 3) else round(myValue, 3) 
end as "Correct rounding" from Samples;

6206.460984 6206.46
259.026716  259.026
652864.9244028  652864.924
13.4058616  13.405
0.444   0.444
0.  0.888
1   1.0
-259.026716 -259.027
-652864.9244028 -652864.924
-5866.5317364   -5866.532
-13.4058616 -13.406
-0.444  -0.444
-0. -0.889
-1  -1.0

The output is now correct in every case (I hope so) but it is finally 
much less practical than we would like!  Working with floating point 
can bring unexpected problems.

Now if you need to write a similar function to perform the same 
operation in C# then you should search MSDN C#.  It is possible that 
someone here with some C# knowledge could help you.

Anyway may I strongly suggest you read tutorials or books about your 
language and also read the SQLite tutorial.  Also you would certainly 
benefit from reading about the virtues and the dark sides of 
floating-point.  Finally such rounding could be better done at some 
point in the applicative code: it all depends on your application.

I hope this helps.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] floor help (plus bug found)

2009-12-12 Thread Jean-Christophe Deschamps

At 00:11 13/12/2009, you wrote:

>Sir any ida how can value rounddown floor have done
>if not possible i have make small code
>i requard make function please say how can add
>i send you my rounddown funtion
>Cose Exmaple :
>Create roundd{value,decimal){
>if (decimal>0)
>d=help requaird on decimal(10**)
>Select Cast(value As integer)||substr((value-Cast(value As 
>integer))*10*d,1,decimal)*(1/d) As rounddown;
>return rounddown;
>i am c# devloper so i know padright please make for me complete 
>function for rounddown my arjent requairment
>how add on SQLite please say
>thanks advance

I am forwarding your mail to the list as well because readers may be 
able to help you on the C# part.

If your question is about rounding values at the SQLite level at some 
fixed number of decimal place, here is an example using the sqlite3 

Say we have a table created:

CREATE TABLE Samples (myValue FLOAT);

Now let us insert some values both positive and negative:

INSERT INTO Samples VALUES(6206.460984);
INSERT INTO Samples VALUES(259.026716);
INSERT INTO Samples VALUES(652864.9244028);
INSERT INTO Samples VALUES(5866.5317364);
INSERT INTO Samples VALUES(13.4058616);
INSERT INTO Samples VALUES(0.444);
INSERT INTO Samples VALUES(-6206.460984);
INSERT INTO Samples VALUES(-259.026716);
INSERT INTO Samples VALUES(-652864.9244028);
INSERT INTO Samples VALUES(-5866.5317364);
INSERT INTO Samples VALUES(-13.4058616);
INSERT INTO Samples VALUES(-0.444);

Now execute a simple query to show you how the round() SQLite function 

select myValue, round(myValue, 3), round(myValue) from Samples;

6206.460984 6206.4616206.0
259.026716  259.027 259.0
652864.9244028  652864.924  652865.0
13.4058616  13.406  13.0
0.444   0.444   0.0
0.  0.889   1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0
-6206.460984-6206.461   -6206.0
-259.026716 -259.027-259.0
-652864.9244028 -652864.924 -652865.0
-5866.5317364   -5866.532   -5867.0
-13.4058616 -13.406 -13.0
-0.444  -0.444  0.0
-0. -0.889  -1.0

You can see that SQLite round(myValue, 3) "rounds" to the 3rd decimal 
place and round(myValue) or round(myValue, 0) rounds down to integer (0 
decimal places).

But if you look more closely, you can also notice that the rounding 
direction is not correct for positive values with a fractional part 
when a non-null second parameter is given.  I did not notice that point 
in my first reply because I only rounded to integers.

I believe there is a bug here.

Take for instance the first value above: 6206.460984
It is correctly rounded _down_ to the integer value  6206
it is wrongly rounded _up_ to the 3rd decimal place  6206.461
but the correct rounding down should be  6206.460

Rounding down negative values (integral or not) works well.

Thus the correct rounding down at 3rd decimal places using SQLite can 
be done so:
 when myValue > 0 and cast(myValue as text) <> round(myValue) then
 round(myValue - 0.00051, 3)
 round(myValue, 3)

Let us see if that does what we want:

select myValue, case when myValue > 0 and cast(myValue as text) <> 
round(myValue) then round(myValue - 0.00051, 3) else round(myValue, 3) 
end as "Correct rounding" from Samples;

6206.460984 6206.46
259.026716  259.026
652864.9244028  652864.924
13.4058616  13.405
0.444   0.444
0.  0.888
1   1.0
-259.026716 -259.027
-652864.9244028 -652864.924
-5866.5317364   -5866.532
-13.4058616 -13.406
-0.444  -0.444
-0. -0.889
-1  -1.0

The output is now correct in every case (I hope so) but it is finally 
much less practical than we would like!  Working with floating point 
can bring unexpected problems.

Now if you need to write a similar function to perform the same 
operation in C# then you should search MSDN C#.  It is possible that 
someone here with some C# knowledge could help you.

Anyway may I strongly suggest you read tutorials or books about your 
language and also read the SQLite tutorial.  Also you would certainly 
benefit from reading about the virtues and the dark sides of 
floating-point.  Finally such rounding could be better done at some 
point in the applicative code: it all depends on your application.

I hope this helps.

sqlite-users mailing list