Orig question

Here are my tables specified as... tbl_nm | col1, col2...
std_nms | id, nm
raw_nms | id, nm
nm_pairs | id, std_nms_id, raw_nms_id

I'm wondering how to supply a single std_nms.nm and get back a list of pairs
i.e. std_nm.nm, raw_nms.nm....
that reflect each record in nm_pairs with a std_nms_id = std_nms.id

(of the record containing the supplied single std_nms.nm).
Thank you in anticipation.

and here's what I came up with...

select std_nms.nm, raw_nms.nm from std_nms,raw_nms
inner join nm_pairs on std_nms.id = nm_pairs.std_nms_id and raw_nms.id =

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