
I'm completely new to this list so I will now see how these mailing lists works.

We have been using sqlite 3.3.7 in a small Windows MFC (C++) application. The 
database is placed in the Document and Settings\<username>\Application 
Data\-folder. This worked fine until a user with the username Administratör 
(Administrator in Swedish) showed up.

After some research, it seems that sqllite3_open strips away åäö. I also tried 
the newer 3.6.1.  Then I tried an old Demo program (CppSQLiteDemo) that uses a 
sqlite3.dll noticeable smaller than the others, 218 kB and the datestamp is 
from 2004-10-11.   This one works just fine, and using this DLL in out 
MFC-program then works fine too. At least for open files with file/folder-names 
containing åäö, I haven't checked if something else has quit working.

So .... any ideas what I should do? Use the old DLL and start checking if 
something else has quit, or is there another way to make use of the newer DLLs?



sqlite-users mailing list
The sqlite3_open* family of functions expects the name arguments in UTF-8 encoding. I'm guessing that you don't pass them as UTF-8 but encoded in your operating system's default code page, so sqlite3_open* receives a string containing high (128+) character codes, tries to interpret them as UTF-8 (which obviously fails) and does the right thing in ignoring the invalid characters, which is why you're seeing them as stripped off.
Please make sure that the strings you are passing are encoded in UTF-8.

Mihai Limbasan

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