Re: [sqlite] to retreive OID

2006-09-15 Thread Dennis Cote

Roger Binns wrote:

Alternately, you may want to consider the simpler sqlite3_exec api 


The sqlite3_exec interface may seem simpler than the sqlite_prepare et 
al API at first glance, but it really isn't for queries. Yes you make 
fewer calls to sqlite functions, but you have to define a callback 
function to handles the results. Moreover, the results are all presented 
to your application as strings, so you have to convert any non string 
values to the required type, but no type information is available to the 
callback function.

The following code shows how to read the oid values into a vector using 
the sqlite3_prepare family of calls, but skips the error checking for 

   vector oids;
   sqlite3_stmt *s;

   int rc = sqlite3_prepare(db, "select OID from tablename", -1, , NULL);

   while ((rc = sqlite3_step(s)) == SQLITE_ROW) {
   int oid = sqlite3_column_int(s, 0);

   rc = sqlite3_finalize(s)

It really isn't any more complicated than the sqlite3_exec version, and 
many would find it easier to understand.

   vector oids;

   static int callback(void *user_data, int argc, char **argv, char 

   int oid = atoi(argv[0]);

   sqlite3_exec(db, "select OID from tablename", callback, , NULL);

The sqlite3_prepare interface avoids unnecessary string conversions, and 
has more potential for optimization by reusing previously prepared 
queries. It also allows the user to modify some parts of a prepared 
query using bound variables rather than recompiling the entire SQL query 
from scratch. I thinks its usually worth the time it takes to learn how 
to use it.

Dennis Cote

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Re: [sqlite] to retreive OID

2006-09-14 Thread Roger Binns
abiramip wrote:
> Hi,
> In the command prompt if i give the following,
> select OID from tablename;
> am able to get the corresponding OID...
> If i use sqlite3_prepare() APIhow do i proceed inorder to do the same ?
> Please suggest a procedure to  perform this.

Look at this page:

In particular you'll want to read on sqlite3_step, sqlite3_finalize,
sqlite3_column_count, sqlite3_column_type etc

Alternately, you may want to consider the simpler sqlite3_exec api with
an example at


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[sqlite] to retreive OID

2006-09-14 Thread abiramip
In the command prompt if i give the following,
select OID from tablename;
am able to get the corresponding OID...
If i use sqlite3_prepare() APIhow do i proceed inorder to do the same ?

Please suggest a procedure to  perform this.
Thanks in advance .

abirami p