In is my example code.

I would like to know if this would be an appropiate implemetation/use of BEGIN IMMEDIATE
and sqlite3_busy_timeout.

As I understood from the documentation and literature about Transaction and locks the sqlite3_step is the action state part so I enclosed sqlite3_step with BEGIN IMMEDIATE and COMMIT, but then occurred errors from the sqlite3_prepare_v2

Thats why i enclosed now all db-concerning steps with BEGIN IMMEDIATE and COMMIT. With this construction appear still some database lock errors but lesser then with a
sqlite3_busy_timeout(db, 23) e.g.

As I understood, the BEGIN IMMEDIATE would try to get the RESERVED lock once, and if it fails it gets a SQLITE_BUSY. The BEGIN IMMEDIATE will however try to get the RESERVED lock many times , if a sqlite3_busy_timeout is defined, but all tries happen within the time defined by the sqlite3_busy_timeout. Or is it like this, that BEGIN IMMEDIATE tries it again exactly once again after the timeout ? In literature it is also mentioned that the BEGIN IMMEDIATE has to be resetted.
How and where do I have to do this in my example code ?

I would appreciate some suggestions
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