Let the database be:

Create table if not exists maintable (rowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, puid
Create Unique Index if not exists puididx on maintable (puid)

Assume a query 
"select rowid from maintable where puid = X OR puid = Y or puid = Z"

How will this query work internally?

1 Will it first check the index table for puid = X and get the rowid,
then followed by checking the index table for puid = Y, then puid =Z.

2 Will it first check each row puid and match it with X then Y then Z
and then move to the second row in maintable? (Without referring to the
index table)

3 Will it first check for puid = X in the maintable then check for puid
= Y in the maintable and then for puid =z? (Without referring to the
index table)

4 Any other way




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