Re: [sqlite] row size limit

2004-04-19 Thread Mrs. Brisby
On Mon, 2004-04-19 at 20:36, D. Richard Hipp wrote:
> Mrs. Brisby wrote:
> >>
> >>The linked-list structure of overflow storage is part of the problem.
> >>But the fact that SQLite uses synchronous I/O is also a factor.  In
> >>order to make BLOBs fast in SQLite, I would have to change to a different
> >>indexing technique for overflow storage *and* come up with some kind
> >>of cross-platform, asynchronous disk read mechanism.
> > 
> > 
> > D.R.Morrison (1968)'s PATRICIA would certainly be faster for indexing
> > large objects.
> > 
> A key feature of SQLite 3.0 (needed to support internationalization)
> is the ability of users to specify their own comparison functions then
> have SQLite use that comparison function to order indices.  PATRICIA
> does not support user-defined comparison functions.  Keys in PATRICIA
> must occur in memcmp() order, as far as I am aware.

Why not fold the strings at insert time to keep your indexing simple?
You can still get internationalization, but require the user supply a
function with performs this folding: รก -> a for example.

> > Asynchronous read isn't necessary, but vectored reads are. Consider
> > readv() POSIX 1003.1-2001 -- in fact, you could probably make
> > result-fields return a struct iovec * that would "point" to the value
> > within the database.
> > 
> readv() doesn't help, actually.  BLOBs are stored in 1k blocks scattered
> all over the file.  readv() reads a continguous range of bytes - it
> puts those bytes into scattered buffers but the bytes must originate
> from a contiguous region of the file.  I'd still have to do 1024
> sequential readv()s in order to extract a 1MB blob.

My brain fizzled out there for a moment. I don't know where I was.

Sadly you're right. While, POSIX 1003.1-2003 does define aio_read(), it
still is a portability nightmare.

On systems where context switches are cheap, one could use fork() or
posix threads to populate a number of pipes, but doubt this would buy
much (if anything)... ever.

Wouldn't it be nice if poll() actually did something interesting with
regular files? :)

Looks to me like you can either make two I/O policies (or more), sort
your reads/seeks, OR move the blobs into another file :)

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Re: [sqlite] row size limit

2004-04-19 Thread D. Richard Hipp
Mrs. Brisby wrote:
The linked-list structure of overflow storage is part of the problem.
But the fact that SQLite uses synchronous I/O is also a factor.  In
order to make BLOBs fast in SQLite, I would have to change to a different
indexing technique for overflow storage *and* come up with some kind
of cross-platform, asynchronous disk read mechanism.

D.R.Morrison (1968)'s PATRICIA would certainly be faster for indexing
large objects.
A key feature of SQLite 3.0 (needed to support internationalization)
is the ability of users to specify their own comparison functions then
have SQLite use that comparison function to order indices.  PATRICIA
does not support user-defined comparison functions.  Keys in PATRICIA
must occur in memcmp() order, as far as I am aware.
Asynchronous read isn't necessary, but vectored reads are. Consider
readv() POSIX 1003.1-2001 -- in fact, you could probably make
result-fields return a struct iovec * that would "point" to the value
within the database.
readv() doesn't help, actually.  BLOBs are stored in 1k blocks scattered
all over the file.  readv() reads a continguous range of bytes - it
puts those bytes into scattered buffers but the bytes must originate
from a contiguous region of the file.  I'd still have to do 1024
sequential readv()s in order to extract a 1MB blob.
D. Richard Hipp -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- 704.948.4565
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Re: [sqlite] row size limit

2004-04-19 Thread Mrs. Brisby
On Mon, 2004-04-19 at 07:04, D. Richard Hipp wrote:
> Darren Duncan wrote:
> > 
> > I think the simple answer is that SQLite uses a linked list which can't 
> > know where a page is until reading the next one, but other databases use 
> > something other than a linked list; they would trade a bit of complexity 
> > for speed. -- Darren Duncan
> > 
> The linked-list structure of overflow storage is part of the problem.
> But the fact that SQLite uses synchronous I/O is also a factor.  In
> order to make BLOBs fast in SQLite, I would have to change to a different
> indexing technique for overflow storage *and* come up with some kind
> of cross-platform, asynchronous disk read mechanism.

D.R.Morrison (1968)'s PATRICIA would certainly be faster for indexing
large objects.

For those of you without google, PATRICIA is called "Crit-bit trees" by
DJB, and "supports the following operations at high speed:
  * See whether a string x is in the tree.
  * Add x to the tree.
  * Remove x from the tree.
  * Find the lexicographically smallest string in the tree larger
than x, if there is one.

It essentially works by storing a compressed pointer to the first
unequal bit in the key. This means comparisons aren't necessary to
traverse the nodes (but they can be needed to add nodes!)

Asynchronous read isn't necessary, but vectored reads are. Consider
readv() POSIX 1003.1-2001 -- in fact, you could probably make
result-fields return a struct iovec * that would "point" to the value
within the database.

Finally, it may be worthwhile to finally allow some portions of the
database to be stored outside the main file and only store indexes in
the main file. This can give huge performance increases for large blobs
and wouldn't (necessarily) require a file format change if older
programs were prepared for the fact that they might not be able to do
anything useful to the value returned :)

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Re: [sqlite] row size limit

2004-04-19 Thread D. Richard Hipp
Darren Duncan wrote:
I think the simple answer is that SQLite uses a linked list which can't 
know where a page is until reading the next one, but other databases use 
something other than a linked list; they would trade a bit of complexity 
for speed. -- Darren Duncan

The linked-list structure of overflow storage is part of the problem.
But the fact that SQLite uses synchronous I/O is also a factor.  In
order to make BLOBs fast in SQLite, I would have to change to a different
indexing technique for overflow storage *and* come up with some kind
of cross-platform, asynchronous disk read mechanism.
D. Richard Hipp -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- 704.948.4565
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Re: [sqlite] row size limit

2004-04-18 Thread Steve Palmer
That info is actually incorrect. WinFS is still scheduled for Longhorn. 
The tech media misinterpreted something.

On Apr 18, 2004, at 8:31 PM, Greg Miller wrote:

Greg Obleshchuk wrote:

I know the MS is looking at replacing the file system with the SQL 
engine in Longhorn so they must have solved the issue.
They're not replacing NTFS with a database. They're implementing a 
database layer (WinFS) on top of NTFS. It's not entirely clear what 
they're doing, but apparently they index a bunch of metadata in order 
to help manage files.

On a related note, this has apparently been pushed back to a 
post-Longhorn release so that they can keep Longhorn on track for 
2006. That, at least, is what the tech media is reporting.

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Re: [sqlite] row size limit

2004-04-18 Thread Greg Miller
Greg Obleshchuk wrote:

I know the MS is looking at replacing the file system with the SQL engine in Longhorn so they must have solved the issue.
They're not replacing NTFS with a database. They're implementing a 
database layer (WinFS) on top of NTFS. It's not entirely clear what 
they're doing, but apparently they index a bunch of metadata in order to 
help manage files.

On a related note, this has apparently been pushed back to a 
post-Longhorn release so that they can keep Longhorn on track for 2006. 
That, at least, is what the tech media is reporting.

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Re: [sqlite] row size limit

2004-04-18 Thread Mark D. Anderson
These disk access issues are why no database I know of actually
stores large objects inline. It would be crazy to do so.
mysql, postgres, and oracle all have support for blobs, and
none of them store them inline.

(btw, if you care about disk io performance for blobs,
you can tune the fs parameters for such large files.)

blobs are a pain no matter how you cut it.

i've built different applications with them in the database,
and without (storing just filenames, with files maintained
by the app, as drh suggested).
I've regretted both approaches :(.

The problems I've seen with not using database blobs:

1. kiss replication goodbye. If you are careful with file naming,
and never modify blobs, and use rsync, you can just barely get by.

2. You can't do text matching as part of a sql request. You have
to do your own external text indexing and join at the app layer.

3. You have to implement your own application-level transaction logic,
so that during updates and deletes of both database and file system
are inconsistent. Except that is hard to do right, so over time
the two *will* get inconsistent.

4. You have to have a shared file system for your database clients.
Which means NFS or samba, or something else which is painful
to set up and administer and is difficult to secure over a WAN.

The problems I've seen with using database blobs:

1. The blob-specific APIs are also usually database-specific.
They are typically poorly designed.
Now with JDBC3/ODBC3, they are at least not database-specific

2. The semantics of blob modification within a larger transaction
is usually poorly documented, or buggy, or both.

3. You don't get to play with the blobs in the external file
system when you want to (even if for read only purposes).

4. Performance can still stink, unless you are careful. At the
wire level, the fetch blocks usually only contain "locator"
objects, and these are converted to data streams only when
asked, and that usually requires a new independent roundtrip
and set up for every blob. So you end up doing things like
using sql functions which fetch the first 1000 bytes of the blobs
(if that is what your app wants), so that they are streamed with
the rest of the fetch.


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Re: [sqlite] row size limit

2004-04-18 Thread Darren Duncan
At 10:59 AM +1000 4/19/04, Greg Obleshchuk wrote:
I guess it would depend on the system. I assume (and may ask) that 
MS SQL and Oracle use multi-threaded processes to access the 
information and that is the way they get around it.  I know the MS 
is looking at replacing the file system with the SQL engine in 
Longhorn so they must have solved the issue.  The speed that they 
can generate from queries would indicate that they have solved the 
issue.  But perhaps the smaller systems PostgreSQL and/or MySQL 
I think the simple answer is that SQLite uses a linked list which 
can't know where a page is until reading the next one, but other 
databases use something other than a linked list; they would trade a 
bit of complexity for speed. -- Darren Duncan

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Re: [sqlite] row size limit

2004-04-18 Thread Darren Duncan
At 7:50 PM -0400 4/18/04, D. Richard Hipp wrote:
Suppose you have a 1MB row in SQLite and you want to read the whole
thing.  SQLite must first ask for the 1st 1K page and wait for it to
be retrieved.  Then it asks for the 2nd 1K page and waits for it.
And so forth for all 1000+ pages.  If each page retrieval requires
1 rotation of the disk, that's about 8.5 seconds on a 7200RPM disk
I assume that the reason for this is that you don't know in advance 
which are all the pages that a row is stored in, such that you could 
just ask the database to read 1000 blocks; you would have to look at 
the overflow indicator within a block to know where the next one is.

While that may be the case now, I would like to suggest an 
optimization feature for 3.0 that could work around the problem and 
make working with large rows much faster.  This suggestion has at 
least two variations to choose from; hopefully each would be simple 
to implement.


I'm suddenly on the clock, so I'll continue now briefly, and possibly 
expand later if there are questions.

1. Add an extra detail or two in references to overflow pages 
(usually just to the first overflow page) which say that the 
first/next N overflow pages are in contiguous blocks.  Then, when 
reading, you can ask the operating system to return that many pages 
all at once.  Presumably this would work if the entire row or large 
value is written at once such as on an insert; you can specify that 
the row is stored in contiguous pages to begin with.

Something along those lines.

-- Darren Duncan

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Re: [sqlite] row size limit

2004-04-18 Thread Greg Obleshchuk
>>Indeed. But I wonder if most all databases do it the same way? Or do 
>>all file-based dbs do it the same way? etc.

I guess it would depend on the system. I assume (and may ask) that MS SQL and Oracle 
use multi-threaded processes to access the information and that is the way they get 
around it.  I know the MS is looking at replacing the file system with the SQL engine 
in Longhorn so they must have solved the issue.  The speed that they can generate from 
queries would indicate that they have solved the issue.  But perhaps the smaller 
systems PostgreSQL and/or MySQL don't.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Puneet Kishor 
  To: SQLite 
  Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 10:41 AM
  Subject: Re: [sqlite] row size limit

  On Apr 18, 2004, at 7:31 PM, Greg Obleshchuk wrote:

  > Hi Richard,
  > You know that is the first clear and concise explanation of why not to 
  > store large blobs in a database that I have heard anywhere.

  Indeed. But I wonder if most all databases do it the same way? Or do 
  all file-based dbs do it the same way? etc.

  Nice explanation though. I am currently working on a web-based image 
  gallery application powered by Oracle and am storing file names in the 
  db while the images themselves are stored on the disk. Some said why 
  don't I just stick the images in the db and I said no... the OS would 
  be better and more flexible at managing the physical files. Now I have 
  a more scientific sounding answer to back my assertion.


  > Greg
  >   - Original Message -
  >   From: D. Richard Hipp
  >   Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 9:50 AM
  >   Subject: Re: [sqlite] row size limit
  >   [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  >> According to the FAQ on, the row size is arbitrarily
  >> limited to 1MB, which can be increased to 16MB by changing a
  >> #define in the source code.
  >> My question is, why even limit the row size? Is there a way the
  >> code can modified so that there is no limit for the row size (other
  >> than the available disk/memory space)?
  >   The current file format allocates 24 bits for storing the number of
  >   bytes in a particular row.  (See 
  >   for details.)  So the currect version of SQLite will never allow more
  >   than 16MB in one row.  The proposed version 3.0.0 of SQLite uses a
  >   variable-length integer to store the row size and can thus accomodate
  >   up to 2^64 bytes in a single row.  In theory.
  >   But a limit of 1MB will probably still be enforced.  Why is this?
  >   SQLite stores large rows by breaking the data up into 1K chunks and
  >   storing each chunk in a separate page of the database.  Filesystems
  >   do much the same thing in an operating system.  But filesystems have
  >   an advantage over databases in that they can access the many chunks
  >   that make up a file in parallel, whereas SQLite has to access them
  >   one at a time.
  >   Suppose you have a 1MB row in SQLite and you want to read the whole
  >   thing.  SQLite must first ask for the 1st 1K page and wait for it to
  >   be retrieved.  Then it asks for the 2nd 1K page and waits for it.
  >   And so forth for all 1000+ pages.  If each page retrieval requires
  >   1 rotation of the disk, that's about 8.5 seconds on a 7200RPM disk
  >   drive.
  >   The filesystem code inside the operating system can do the same task
  >   in parallel.  If you ask the operating system to read in all of a
  >   1MB file for you, it can request many separate blocks from the disk
  >   controller at once.  The blocks might arrive out of order, but the
  >   OS can reassemble them into the correct order before returning the
  >   result up to the user-space process.  Using this approach, only a few
  >   rotations of the disk platter would be required to retrieve a 1MB
  >   file, instead of thousands.  The retrival will be 100s of times 
  > faster.
  >   The moral of the story:  If you have large amounts of data you want
  >   to store, it is best to store that data in a separate file and then
  >   write the name of that file into the database.
  >   --
  >   D. Richard Hipp -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- 704.948.4565
  >   -
  >   To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  >   For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [sqlite] row size limit

2004-04-18 Thread Puneet Kishor
On Apr 18, 2004, at 7:31 PM, Greg Obleshchuk wrote:

Hi Richard,
You know that is the first clear and concise explanation of why not to 
store large blobs in a database that I have heard anywhere.
Indeed. But I wonder if most all databases do it the same way? Or do 
all file-based dbs do it the same way? etc.

Nice explanation though. I am currently working on a web-based image 
gallery application powered by Oracle and am storing file names in the 
db while the images themselves are stored on the disk. Some said why 
don't I just stick the images in the db and I said no... the OS would 
be better and more flexible at managing the physical files. Now I have 
a more scientific sounding answer to back my assertion.


  - Original Message -
  From: D. Richard Hipp
  Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 9:50 AM
  Subject: Re: [sqlite] row size limit
According to the FAQ on, the row size is arbitrarily
limited to 1MB, which can be increased to 16MB by changing a
#define in the source code.
My question is, why even limit the row size? Is there a way the
code can modified so that there is no limit for the row size (other
than the available disk/memory space)?
  The current file format allocates 24 bits for storing the number of
  bytes in a particular row.  (See
  for details.)  So the currect version of SQLite will never allow more
  than 16MB in one row.  The proposed version 3.0.0 of SQLite uses a
  variable-length integer to store the row size and can thus accomodate
  up to 2^64 bytes in a single row.  In theory.

  But a limit of 1MB will probably still be enforced.  Why is this?

  SQLite stores large rows by breaking the data up into 1K chunks and
  storing each chunk in a separate page of the database.  Filesystems
  do much the same thing in an operating system.  But filesystems have
  an advantage over databases in that they can access the many chunks
  that make up a file in parallel, whereas SQLite has to access them
  one at a time.
  Suppose you have a 1MB row in SQLite and you want to read the whole
  thing.  SQLite must first ask for the 1st 1K page and wait for it to
  be retrieved.  Then it asks for the 2nd 1K page and waits for it.
  And so forth for all 1000+ pages.  If each page retrieval requires
  1 rotation of the disk, that's about 8.5 seconds on a 7200RPM disk
  The filesystem code inside the operating system can do the same task
  in parallel.  If you ask the operating system to read in all of a
  1MB file for you, it can request many separate blocks from the disk
  controller at once.  The blocks might arrive out of order, but the
  OS can reassemble them into the correct order before returning the
  result up to the user-space process.  Using this approach, only a few
  rotations of the disk platter would be required to retrieve a 1MB
  file, instead of thousands.  The retrival will be 100s of times 

  The moral of the story:  If you have large amounts of data you want
  to store, it is best to store that data in a separate file and then
  write the name of that file into the database.
  D. Richard Hipp -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- 704.948.4565
  To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [sqlite] row size limit

2004-04-18 Thread Greg Obleshchuk
Hi Richard,
You know that is the first clear and concise explanation of why not to store large 
blobs in a database that I have heard anywhere.

  - Original Message - 
  From: D. Richard Hipp 
  Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 9:50 AM
  Subject: Re: [sqlite] row size limit

  > According to the FAQ on, the row size is arbitrarily
  > limited to 1MB, which can be increased to 16MB by changing a
  > #define in the source code.
  > My question is, why even limit the row size? Is there a way the
  > code can modified so that there is no limit for the row size (other
  > than the available disk/memory space)?

  The current file format allocates 24 bits for storing the number of
  bytes in a particular row.  (See
  for details.)  So the currect version of SQLite will never allow more
  than 16MB in one row.  The proposed version 3.0.0 of SQLite uses a
  variable-length integer to store the row size and can thus accomodate
  up to 2^64 bytes in a single row.  In theory.

  But a limit of 1MB will probably still be enforced.  Why is this?

  SQLite stores large rows by breaking the data up into 1K chunks and
  storing each chunk in a separate page of the database.  Filesystems
  do much the same thing in an operating system.  But filesystems have
  an advantage over databases in that they can access the many chunks
  that make up a file in parallel, whereas SQLite has to access them
  one at a time.

  Suppose you have a 1MB row in SQLite and you want to read the whole
  thing.  SQLite must first ask for the 1st 1K page and wait for it to
  be retrieved.  Then it asks for the 2nd 1K page and waits for it.
  And so forth for all 1000+ pages.  If each page retrieval requires
  1 rotation of the disk, that's about 8.5 seconds on a 7200RPM disk

  The filesystem code inside the operating system can do the same task
  in parallel.  If you ask the operating system to read in all of a
  1MB file for you, it can request many separate blocks from the disk
  controller at once.  The blocks might arrive out of order, but the
  OS can reassemble them into the correct order before returning the
  result up to the user-space process.  Using this approach, only a few
  rotations of the disk platter would be required to retrieve a 1MB
  file, instead of thousands.  The retrival will be 100s of times faster.

  The moral of the story:  If you have large amounts of data you want
  to store, it is best to store that data in a separate file and then
  write the name of that file into the database.
  D. Richard Hipp -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- 704.948.4565

  To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [sqlite] row size limit

2004-04-18 Thread D. Richard Hipp
According to the FAQ on, the row size is arbitrarily
limited to 1MB, which can be increased to 16MB by changing a
#define in the source code.
My question is, why even limit the row size? Is there a way the
code can modified so that there is no limit for the row size (other
than the available disk/memory space)?
The current file format allocates 24 bits for storing the number of
bytes in a particular row.  (See
for details.)  So the currect version of SQLite will never allow more
than 16MB in one row.  The proposed version 3.0.0 of SQLite uses a
variable-length integer to store the row size and can thus accomodate
up to 2^64 bytes in a single row.  In theory.
But a limit of 1MB will probably still be enforced.  Why is this?

SQLite stores large rows by breaking the data up into 1K chunks and
storing each chunk in a separate page of the database.  Filesystems
do much the same thing in an operating system.  But filesystems have
an advantage over databases in that they can access the many chunks
that make up a file in parallel, whereas SQLite has to access them
one at a time.
Suppose you have a 1MB row in SQLite and you want to read the whole
thing.  SQLite must first ask for the 1st 1K page and wait for it to
be retrieved.  Then it asks for the 2nd 1K page and waits for it.
And so forth for all 1000+ pages.  If each page retrieval requires
1 rotation of the disk, that's about 8.5 seconds on a 7200RPM disk
The filesystem code inside the operating system can do the same task
in parallel.  If you ask the operating system to read in all of a
1MB file for you, it can request many separate blocks from the disk
controller at once.  The blocks might arrive out of order, but the
OS can reassemble them into the correct order before returning the
result up to the user-space process.  Using this approach, only a few
rotations of the disk platter would be required to retrieve a 1MB
file, instead of thousands.  The retrival will be 100s of times faster.
The moral of the story:  If you have large amounts of data you want
to store, it is best to store that data in a separate file and then
write the name of that file into the database.
D. Richard Hipp -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- 704.948.4565
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