These are a relatively common issue and perhaps some of the hardest to

1. It seems that changing the tags fixes things?  Does changing them
back then make them wrong again?

2. Sort Tags... I'm not sure if you use them or not, but if a sort tag
for an artist/composer/etc. appears anywhere in your collection
(dbPowerAmp will sometimes fill them), it will take affect for every
track with that name:

For instance, you use Bartók as an example.  Let's just say the composer
is set as Bartók.  Well maybe on some file in your system you have a tag
called "Composer Sort" and it is set for a track with Bartók as the
composer.  Well, that one track could override the sort order for every
track where Bartók is the composer, even though the sort tag was only
set in one file.

In that situation, changing the name to Bartok technically changes the
field and so the association with sort order goes away because the
original file causing the issue still has the name as Bartók.  The only
impact the special character is having is just a matter of uniqueness
and not specifically because of the special character.

Now generally, you won't get the sorting so far off, but what if you had
a track where the composer is listed as Bartók / Stravinsky where you
essentially have two composers.  But, what if the sort fields were set
backwards as Stravinsky / Bartok.  Well, then LMS might sort Bartok
under Stravinsky and Stravinsky under Bartok, and then you end up with
that sort that is far off.

I'll tell you right now, this issue happened to me (different names but
apparently no rhyme or reason).  It had occurred because of a soundtrack
and a mess in the tags associated with collaborations, I had a bunch of
messy sort tags that percolated issues throughout my collection.

3. Perhaps less likely but an even more obscure issue that caused me
heartburn in the past: Some software can manage to write tags in
incompatible formats or multiple formats to files, especially FLAC

For instance, I had some FLAC files that had id3v2.3 tags in them.  I
only discovered this when looking at the list of files in MP3Tag and
noticing the tag Type field was showing that it had both tag types.  I
couldn't see those tags directly other than the indicator they were
there.  MP3Tag doesn't allow writing this way, so I couldn't see what
was there.  However, MP3Tag allowed me to remove the id3 tags from the
FLAC files.  

This can impact software to the extent it reads all the information and
perhaps confuses the tags.  For instance, you could have a sort tag
buried into the id3 tag of a FLAC files, and you otherwise don't see it
but perhaps LMS does?  A more common issue would occur in MP3 files that
had both id3v1 and id3v2.3 or 2.4 tags (especially the 2.4 type).  The
id3v1 values would play havoc but I wasn't letting MP3Tag edit them. 
Conversely, the real problems remained hidden.

In any case, my solution was to make sure all my mp3 files only have
id3v2.3 tags and that my FLAC files don't inadvertently have any other
tag type.

Depending on the size of your collection, it can be a lot of work.  I
still occasionally find problems.  All you can do is take it one file or
musician/composer/etc at a time.

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