On 7/15/20 3:14 PM, Alex Rousskov wrote:

>     I propose to add a new tls_key_log directive to record TLS
> pre-master secret (and related encryption details) for to- and
> from-Squid TLS connections. This very useful triage feature is common
> for browsers and some networking tools. Wireshark supports it[1]. You
> might know it as SSLKEYLOGFILE. It has been requested by several Squid
> admins. A draft documentation of the proposed directive is at the end of
> this email.
> [1] https://wiki.wireshark.org/TLS#Using_the_.28Pre.29-Master-Secret
> If you have any feature scope adjustments, implementation wishes, or
> objections to this feature going in, please let me know!

FYI: Factory is starting to implement this feature.


> FTR, we have considered providing similar support by adding new
> logformat %code(s) to the existing access_log. While doing so would
> reduce and simplify code changes, we ultimately rejected that design
> because the combination of the following factors renders it inferior and
> insufficient on several levels:
> 1. Some TLS connections are reflected in access logs a long time
>    after they are established (e.g., when the connection serves
>    a long CONNECT tunnel). During triage, admins may need the
>    ability to decipher a live connection much sooner.
> 2. Some TLS connections are never reflected in access logs at all
>    (e.g., when Squid opens but does not use an outgoing TLS connection
>    or crashes when parsing the first request on an incoming one). Info
>    gaps often create triage suspicions: Did we drop something else?
> 3. A single access_log record may correspond to many from-Squid
>    connections, especially when Squid retries peer failures. Logging
>    keys for all these connections would require accumulating the keys in
>    the master transaction and then dumping them as a part of a new
>    %code. Adding (and dumping) repeated ALE fields is awkward.
> 4. Manually creating ACLs to limit access log records to the first
>    transaction on a connection would be a must for most deployments
>    using this feature. Doing so is far from trivial and related
>    configuration errors are difficult to triage. We could add a new
>    ACL type for this purpose, but even that is tricky because a
>    single master transaction may have many associated connections.
>    And logging secrets for every transaction creates too much noise.
> 5. Configuration flexibility offered by logformat is likely to
>    remain largely unused by the new feature because tools like
>    Wireshark _automatically_ find relevant records when deciphering
>    captured traffic. Augmenting these logs with other transaction
>    details (typical for access log uses) would be mostly useless.
> 6. New %codes would be awkward to use in a regular access log because
>    they may expand into a variable number of lines, going against the
>    traditional line-oriented, "fixed" format access log use.
> While some of the above items have workarounds, a few do not, and the
> whole combination looks rather grim/unfriendly. We should attack this
> problem from the other end -- a new simple configuration dedicated to
> this useful feature.
> We propose to structure this new directive so that it is easy to add
> advanced access_log-like features later if needed (while reusing the
> corresponding access_log code). For example, if users find that they
> want to maintain multiple TLS key logs or augment log records with
> connection details, we can add that support by borrowing access_log
> options and code without backward compatibility concerns. The new
> required "if" keyword in front of the ACL list allows for seamless
> addition of new directive options in the future.
> Cheers,
> Alex.
> ---------- draft squid.conf directive documentation ------------
> tls_key_log
> Configures whether and where Squid records pre-master secret and
> related encryption details for TLS connections accepted or established
> by Squid. These connections include connections accepted at
> https_port, TLS connections opened to origin servers/cache_peers/ICAP
> services, and TLS tunnels bumped by Squid using the SslBump feature.
> This log (a.k.a. SSLKEYLOGFILE) is meant for triage with traffic
> inspection tools like Wireshark.
>     tls_key_log <filename> if <acl>...
> WARNING: This log allows anybody to decrypt the corresponding
> encrypted TLS connections, both in-flight and postmortem.
> At most one log file is supported at this time. Repeated tls_key_log
> directives are treated as fatal configuration errors. By default, no
> log is created or updated.
> If the log file does not exist, Squid creates it. Otherwise, Squid
> appends an existing log file.
> The directive is consulted whenever a TLS connection is accepted or
> established by Squid. TLS connections that fail the handshake may be
> logged if Squid got enough information to form a log record. A record
> is logged only if all of the configured ACLs match.
> Squid does not buffer these log records -- the worker blocks until
> each record is written. File system buffering may speed things up, but
> consider placing this triage log in a memory-based partition.
> This log is rotated based on the logfile_rotate settings.
> Logging errors are reported to cache.log but are otherwise ignored.
> While transport-related ACLs like src and dst should work, Squid may
> not have access to higher-level information. For example, when logging
> accepted https_port connections, Squid does not yet have access to the
> expected HTTPS request. Similarly, an HTTPS response is not available
> when logging most TLS connections established by Squid.
> The log record format is meant to be compatible with TLS deciphering
> features of Wireshark which include support for TLS v1.3 fields such
> log record usually spans multiple lines. Technical documentation for
> that format is maintained inside the Wireshark code (e.g., see
> tls_keylog_process_lines() comments as of Wireshark commit
> e3d44136f0f0026c5e893fa249f458073f3b7328).
> This clause only supports fast acl types.
> See http://wiki.squid-cache.org/SquidFaq/SquidAcl for details.

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