
I plan to gradually turn Semaphore CI testing off and make GitHub Actions required. We should not babysit the same tests in two setups. Here is the current status of CI tests with regard to Semaphore and GitHub Actions together with the corresponding planned actions:

1. Functionality tests: Essentially the same set of tests. Semaphore CI has one extra/old test but it is disabled for master/v6 code. The proxy-collapsed-forwarding test often fails on Semaphore, requiring a manual restart of all tests. The busy-restart test usually fails on GitHub Actions, but those failures are currently ignored.

Plan: I will leave the busy-restart test running on Semaphore CI until we find a way to make it stable in GitHub Actions environment. I will turn off the other Semaphore CI functionality tests and make the GitHub Actions ones required.

2. Source maintenance tests: The same set of tests. GitHub Actions have the right Astyle version, so the formatting test actually works on GitHub (but its results are currently ignored on both platforms).

Plan: I will turn off Semaphore CI source maintenance tests and make the GitHub Actions ones required instead. Formatting test results will still be ignored (that is a separate decision/change/action out of this thread scope; let's not discuss it here).

3. Build tests: Semaphore CI uses Ubuntu 14.04. GitHub Actions uses Ubuntu 22.04. Semaphore CI has fewer build dependencies installed. GitHub Actions do not provide Ubuntu 14.04 runners[1].

Plan: I will keep Semaphore CI build tests and make the GitHub Actions tests required. When Semaphore CI build tests start failing (e.g., because dependency repositories stop working "as is"), or when we stop supporting that old environment, I will disable those tests.

If you have any objections or better ideas about gradually moving away from Semaphore CI, please discuss.

Thank you,


[1] GitHub provides Ubuntu 18.04 runners, but they are deprecated, will purposefully _fail_ according to GitHub schedule, and will be removed in December. We should not use them. Details at https://github.blog/changelog/2022-08-09-github-actions-the-ubuntu-18-04-actions-runner-image-is-being-deprecated-and-will-be-removed-by-12-1-22/
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