
Has anybody else ever seen this error in squid's cache.log?

root@appliance:~# tail /var/log/squid3/cache.log

2015/02/09 06:51:51 kid1| fwdNegotiateSSL: Error negotiating SSL connection
on FD 117: error:0B07C065:x509 certificate
routines:X509_STORE_add_cert:cert already in hash table (1/-1/0)

2015/02/09 06:51:51 kid1| fwdNegotiateSSL: Error negotiating SSL connection
on FD 123: error:0B07C065:x509 certificate
routines:X509_STORE_add_cert:cert already in hash table (1/-1/0)

2015/02/09 06:51:51 kid1| fwdNegotiateSSL: Error negotiating SSL connection
on FD 121: error:0B07C065:x509 certificate
routines:X509_STORE_add_cert:cert already in hash table (1/-1/0)

2015/02/09 06:51:51 kid1| fwdNegotiateSSL: Error negotiating SSL connection
on FD 76: error:0B07C065:x509 certificate routines:X509_STORE_add_cert:cert
already in hash table (1/-1/0)

2015/02/09 06:51:51 kid1| fwdNegotiateSSL: Error negotiating SSL connection
on FD 115: error:0B07C065:x509 certificate
routines:X509_STORE_add_cert:cert already in hash table (1/-1/0)

2015/02/09 06:51:51 kid1| fwdNegotiateSSL: Error negotiating SSL connection
on FD 101: error:0B07C065:x509 certificate
routines:X509_STORE_add_cert:cert already in hash table (1/-1/0)

2015/02/09 06:51:51 kid1| fwdNegotiateSSL: Error negotiating SSL connection
on FD 111: error:0B07C065:x509 certificate
routines:X509_STORE_add_cert:cert already in hash table (1/-1/0)

2015/02/09 06:51:51 kid1| fwdNegotiateSSL: Error negotiating SSL connection
on FD 96: error:0B07C065:x509 certificate routines:X509_STORE_add_cert:cert
already in hash table (1/-1/0)

2015/02/09 06:51:51 kid1| fwdNegotiateSSL: Error negotiating SSL connection
on FD 89: error:0B07C065:x509 certificate routines:X509_STORE_add_cert:cert
already in hash table (1/-1/0)

2015/02/09 06:51:52 kid1| fwdNegotiateSSL: Error negotiating SSL connection
on FD 96: error:0B07C065:x509 certificate routines:X509_STORE_add_cert:cert
already in hash table (1/-1/0)


Any idea how to fix it?

Thank you,

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