tor 2010-02-18 klockan 09:43 +0100 skrev Edgardo Ghibaudo:
> If I disable the proxy SQUID (using IE6 or Firefox 3.5.7 with SSL 
> certication) the connection is very fast.
> Using the proxy the connection is VERY slow ... and the log file reports 
> error 503
> In the configuration file I don't have any deny for the address 
> and for the port 443.
> There is NO problem with other SSL sites.

It's not a Squid issue, it's a networking issue.

Recommended reading:

   Squid FAQ, Linux, Can't connect to some sites through Squid

   Squid FAQ, Linux, Some sites load extremely slowly or not at all

   Squid FAQ, Troubleshooting, Why do I sometimes get Zero sized reply

   Squid Knowledge Base, Identifying and working around sites with broken TCP 
Window Scaling


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