Hi all,

I've got a small problem with IE 6 and proxy authentication to a squid 2.5 stable1 set of caches.

I should say at this point that mozilla, netscape 6.2/7.0/7.0.1 and phoenix 0.5 all work correctly


I have 4 squid 2.5stable1 caches connected to a foundry serveriron load balancing box.

All my clients are configured to pick up an auto proxy config file from a server on our campus which basically says "if the remote URL is on our net go direct otherwise go via my caches". Access to the caches is via a virtual IP address set up on the serveriron which then load balances requests over the real servers.

Our outside world firewall is configured so that direct external access from client pcs is redirected to a local web page describing how to configure their browser to use our cache.

Configuring IE 6 to use our squid caches works fine without any form of proxy authentication. When I configure them to use proxy auth I get the following problem.

1). configure IE to have a home page outside our class b net.
2). configure client to use proxy service ( either virtual ip on foundry kit or real web cache address:3128 doesn't matter which)
3). configure client to delete all temp cache files on exit just to view problem and then exit browser
4). fire up browser
5). fill in authentication dialog box that appears because we are connected to a cache
6). Web page appears saying ie is unable to connect to remote site "server or DNS failure"
7). click on refresh button - remote web page appears.

The above had a home page on a remote site just to simplify things. If the home page is local and you then try and access a remote site the same thing happens.

The thing is that some clients work fine and some don't ... and I can't see what the difference is!!

has anyone seen any problems with IE authenticating to a squid cache before?

any help appreciated

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