Hi all,
Some of our users could not access Internet during business hours.
acl wtime time 08:00-12:00
acl wtime time 14:00-18:00

http_access allow blocked_user !wtime
http_access deny all

This works, except some download which were launched for e.g at 13:50 and still 
remaining alive and active even if they are overtime. Example if download of a 
file of 100Mo will take 30mn, and launched at 13:45, it will be well finished 
at 14:15 without stopped at 14:00 like I want to.
But if the user makes new request at 14:00, this will be denied.

Have tried another acl like this :
acl allowedtime time MTWHF 08:50-08:55
http_access allow blocked_user allowedtime 
http_access deny all
But download didn't aborted by squid.

Thanks in advance. 

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