
the module hasn't be used for long time and was developed when diameter
was a draft (like 2003 -- iirc). Not being demanded, it was no focus on
it and somehow marked as obsolete. I expect to be easy to fix/update if
there is any issue. If you can, give it a try and report the results.


On 19/03/15 15:49, Grant Bagdasarian wrote:
> Hello,
> Does Kamailio still support authentication using the auth_diameter module?
> There is a note on the modules page stating the module is now obsolete.
> “NOTE: diameter support was developed for DISC (DIameter Server Client
> project at http://developer.berlios.de/projects/disc/). This project
> seems to be no longer maintained and DIAMETER specifications were
> updated in the meantime. Thus, the module is obsolete and needs rework
> to be usable with opendiameter or other DIAMETER servers.”
> Is the page referring to this module or the DISC?
> Are there perhaps any other ways to do authentication with Kamailio
> using diameter?
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Daniel-Constantin Mierla
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Kamailio World Conference, May 27-29, 2015
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