On Fri, 2015-08-28 at 09:03 +0200, Petr Cech wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I would like to ask you what you think about the initialization of 
> iterative variables in forloops. I know that present code style does not 
> allow it. But how I recognized, we use C99, and this feature is here now.
> (example)
> Instead of:|
> |||# inti;
> # for(i =0;...)|||
> we could write:
> ||# for(inti =0;...)|
> I see an advantage in limiting the validity of such variables. That 
> means higher code readability. Disadvantages I searched but did not find.

I think it is ok to accept this style when there is *only one* variable
involved and the iterator variable is useful exclusively within the for
loop. I used this style elsewhere and it was ok.

Much care need to be taken when *converting* code to this style, because
in many case the index is used after the for loop to check for
failure/success when the loop breaks in the middle.


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Simo Sorce * Red Hat, Inc * New York

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