Title: Re: £2Million for the BBC ??? [STOPNATO

From: "John Jay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
To: "Branka Josilo-Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FW: re bbc
Date: Tue, May 29, 2001, 5:00 pm

Apparently it was featured on "German radio" but, as yet, William has no
programme details. Interesting, isn't it, when we recall what you posted
about all those Albanian fund-raising efforts in Switzerland?... Evidently,
they think £2Million handed to the BBC is every bit as good as weapons,

I'll say it is...! The most effective weapon of them all...!!!

From: "cana.london" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "John Jay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: re bbc
Date: Tue, May 29, 2001, 2:08 pm

[Extract from William Spring's application to the BBC
to take part in a proposed broadcast of pre-election
political debate]

I realise there may be difficulties in letting members of the grassroots
underclass who are critical of Mr Blair loose on the BBC, especially re
anything to do with Albanian matters, in view of the Dyke-Sloman law,
(which is that members of the UK Govt. must not be criticised or
cross-examined on the BBC regarding any area of foreign policy
over which the said UK Government is considered vulnerable).

This law is particularly applicable regarding Albanian issues, in view of the
subventions given to the BBC by the Albanians, (as reported on
German radio) to the tune of £2,000,000.

But the BBC is supposed to be objective. The fact that the Albanians are
subsidising the BBC out of their drug money
should not interfere with
this mandate, although no doubt it does.

I promise however to be well behaved & not raise that issue, (the Albanians
subventions), on the programme.

William Spring
(CANA) London
Christians Against NATO Aggression

>From: "Housmans Peace Resource Project" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: £2Million for the BBC ??? [STOPNATO
>Date: Wed, May 30, 2001, 5:57 pm
> BBC Accounts are in theory in the public domain - so I doubt if
> a payment that size would fail to show up in their published
> figures...


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