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[Via Communist Internet... ]
.Dangerous U.S.-Japan military nexus flailed
  Pyongyang, July 1 (KCNA) -- Japan and the United States reiterated the
importance of strengthening "Japan-U.S. Security Alliance" at recent talks
held between the Japanese senior diplomat and the President and the State
Secretary of the U.S. the Japan Defense Agency is trying to establish a
"working officials consultative council" under the military authorities of
Japan and the U.S. while underscoring the "need for closer coordination"
with the U.S. Defense Department. Describing this as a highly disturbing
development, Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary says that the
strengthened Japan-U.S. alliance called for by the U.S. and Japan means
tightening the military nexus between the two countries.
Saying that by strengthening the military tie-up with the U.S. Japan
seeks to emerge as a military power with the backing of the U.S. and openly
embark upon overseas aggression, the commentary continues:
Japan is employing a crafty trick to increase the combat capability of
its "self-defense forces" and lay a legal "groundwork" for overseas
aggression, while talking about strengthened alliance and "defence
cooperation" with the U.S. these can not be construed otherwise than very
dangerous military moves.
The Japanese reactionaries are taking great pains to realise their
ambition to become a military power backed by the U.S. and realise their old
dream of the "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere." It is the U.S.
intention to realise its aggressive strategy toward Asia with Japan as a war
The military nexus between Japan and the U.S. is primarily targeted
against the DPRK. 
It is their sinister intention to invade other Asian countries with the
Korean peninsula as a springboard.
The nexus is very detrimental to peace, security and prosperity of the
Asia-Pacific region. The Asian people should be vigilant against the
U.S.-Japan military nexus aimed at aggression and war and make efforts to
curb it so as to prevent horrible disasters.


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