Title: FW: A Greek colleague and friend of mine on Milosevic's extradiction

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It is a sad irony, that those Serbs who choose to convince themselves
that Milosevic is the "monster" that NATO interests want everyone on
earth to believe, have themselves turned into a collective monster...
a giant pet 'Serbosaur' - imprisoned behind gold-painted steel bars far
stronger than his poorly secured cell door in the Hague will ever be.

This ravening but stupid beast devours chunks of its own self-respect
tossed to it by Western handlers... who gleefully watch it tearing at
the very heart of Serbian honour - (that quality, in Milosevic, they
still respect and fear most!) - with every fresh bite.

It is not necessary to be a supporter of Milosevic to recognize in him
that admirable natural dignity, fearless independence and indefatigable
strength of purpose everyone used to be able to take it for granted they
would find in almost every Serb...
John Jay
From: Predrag Tosic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: A Greek colleague and friend of mine on Milosevic's extradiction
Date: Sun, Jul 1, 2001, 10:08 pm

[While I do not share all of Ioannis' views, I could not agree more
that the way this whole extradition ordeal took place is a disgrace for
the Serbian and FRY authorities. I am yet to meet a true Libertarian,
or a Progressive, or indeed a  single Serb living in the diaspora, who
agrees with Milosevic being  "transferred" to this clearly political
(and not very legitimate) court in The Hague, nor with the way this
was done by Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic and the Serbian government.
(For the  record, most of the Serbs living in North  America, myself
included, have NEVER politically supported Slobodan Milosevic).  --
PT ]


On Fri, 29 Jun 2001, Ioannis Tziligakis wrote:

So finally Milosevic was sold by the people he put his life in danger for
and will be dragged to the "International Mockery of Human Rights" court,
in Hague.  That's really really sad and disappointing. They sold the soul
of a nation of 12 million people for 1.2 billion dollars... Do the math...
that means every Serb is worth $100!!!!!!!!!!!

I cannot believe a single Serb cannot afford $100 to save his soul...
To save the politician who could only be defeated by U.N diplomatic frauds
lies and gimmicks... In the Battlefield Slobo was undefeated even when he
fought with the Entire NATO. He beat Croats, Muslims, NATO and KLA...

Slobo is one of the few politicians who had the guts to spit in the face
of the bullies - namely U.S.A and their NATO puppets...

Unbelievably... the people who accused Milosevic of being a dictator, a
Nazi and a fascist (with no proof of course) had to take resort to fascist
regime practices, ignore the Supreme Constitutional Courts ruling and
abduct a citizen from his own country, completely in the dark by bribing
some spineless, gutless and brainless officials...

Today it's going to be a day of mourning and lamentation for Democracy, for
civil and human rights, for human dignity...

I'm sure that Slobodan Milosevic will survive the torture that he's being
put through and will live to be a Martyr of the Serbian Nation and a symbol
and an example of uncompromised fighter against the injustice of the
World-Wide Bullies.

I'm deeply saddened by the unfortunate fact that this great nation, the
Serbian Nation, seems to have been depleted of men of courage, vigor,
intellect and patriotism.

Best Regards,
Ioannis Tziligakis

Research Assistant
Dept. of Physics
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, IL, 61801


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