Title: There is virtually nothing to lose

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-----Original Message-----
From: Viktor V. Bourenkov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 2:17 PM
To: RedNet mailing list
Subject: RCWP statement on Land Reform Bill


Statement of the CC of RCWP of 18 June 2001
On pushing the Land Code through the Duma

There is virtually nothing to lose

Acting impudently and unceremoniously, the reactionary pro-president majority in the State Duma is imposing the Land Code on the country, which introduces free trading of land.

Commenting on this event, Prime Minister M. Kasyanov stated that this important step lays one more “brick in the base of economic reforms in Russia.”

This is really so. Making land trade possible is an act as unpopular as the liberalisation of the prices, privatisation of the industry or the home ownership reform. As in all the previous reforms, all the chatter concerning the search for a “assiduous owner,” “attracting investments” are a propagandist fraud of the right from the “we’ll give two cars each” series.

Their aim is to enter a new stage of dividing the people into masters and slaves — through land ownership relations.

For the new lords it is no longer sufficient to have bank accounts, Mercedes cars and luxurious apartments; they want to own forests, agricultural fields, and whole residential areas. They want to renew the breathing space for the Russian financial speculators, brought up on hierarchies of the Short-term State Bonds [the system resulting in state debts that lead to state bankruptcy], and for their foreign tutors.

This land reform should more correctly be called not a brick, but a stone — hanging around people’s neck. Majority of population is not in possession of money to “move” into the last resort, the free plot of four square metres at the graveyard.

Russian Communist Workers’ Party states that the government’s version of the Land Code is against the will of the people, is directed against Russia, and is being imposed forcibly on the society. In fact, this is a step towards the civil war.

Soon, there will be nothing to lose.

It is necessary to prepare for an appropriate response in order to get back everything that the marauders took away from the people.

First Sec. CC RCWP

Viktor Tiulkin


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