Title: FW: Simon Jenkins in the Times

From: Branka Josilo-Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Simon Jenkins in the Times
Date: Wed, May 30, 2001, 9:03 pm


America rejects the White Man's burden

When is George W. Bush going to declare his position on Oldham? His silence is distressing his European allies and testing confidence in Nato. Surely Washington learnt from Northern Ireland, that to intervene early is better than to intervene late. The ethnic tinderbox that is the United Kingdom is smouldering and the authority of America¹s good friend, Tony Blair, is challenged. White House emissaries must fan out across the Mancunian plain, and rolling thunder be heard at Lakenheath and Fairford.

This, more or less, is the logic of the stance of the dispossessed peacemakers of the Clinton era as they face Mr Bush¹s clear reluctance to keep them employed. Every issue of The New York Times, The Washington Post and the International Herald Tribune, not to mention Foreign Affairs and other learned publications, shouts the same message. Stay abroad, America. Your diplomacy, your aid, your bombs, your guns are essential to world peace.

>From Ulster to Ukraine, from Bosnia to Macedonia, from the Middle East to Iraq, the world will collapse without American crisis resolution. A think-tank abhors a vacuum.

[Vacuum, right here].........

If the European community really believes that Serb and Albanian nationalism is a threat to Europe¹s security, Europe¹s much-vaunted political union should deal with it, and not treat it as a global threat involving America.

But of course Europe does not think that. It hypes the Balkans specifically to keep America engaged and give Nato something to do.

Washington will not find it easy to be hands-off. Eisenhower said that the military-industrial complex was so strong that it would one day become the enemy of peace. The same is becoming true of a new ³complex², fashioned from liberal imperialism, the UN, big aid and the media. You do not get more potent than that

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