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.Iran Reiterates US Lifting Sanctions as Condition for Better Ties
Iran on Monday reiterated that the lifting of United States sanctions on
Iran is a precondition for thawing the icy ties between the two countries,
the official IRNA news agency reported.
Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid Reza Asefi made the remark at a
press conference in response to the U.S. administration's lobbying for a
two-year extension of a law that punishes foreign firms having a large
investment in Iran's oil industry.
"We announce for the umpteenth time that in the status quo, any restoration
of ties between the two countries depends on fundamental removal of
barriers, including the U.S. sanctions against the Islamic Republic of
Iran," Asefi said. 
Iran and the U.S. severed diplomatic relations in 1980 after the seizure, by
some Muslim students, of the U.S. embassy in Tehran following the 1979
Iran's Islamic Revolution.
"If the U.S. government is intent to take a positive stride in its
interaction with Iran, it should meet the legitimate demands without any
preconditions," the spokesman said.
"Not only Iran slams the unilateral sanctions which contravene all
international laws and conventions, but also all the countries in the world
have practically opposed the act," he added.
Accusing Iran of sponsoring terrorism, seeking to sabotage Arab- Israeli
peace efforts and committing human rights abuses, the U.S. has imposed
economic sanctions against Iran since 1980.
Moreover, the U.S. adopted an act which punishes foreign firms having a
large energy investment in Iran and Libya five years ago to make the
sanctions more effective.
As the act is going to expire, a powerful pro-Israeli lobby is pressing for
another full five-year extension of the controversial legislation. But the
U.S. administration is in favor of a two-year extension.


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