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-----Original Message-----
From: Milan Tepavac [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2001 10:47 AM

Subject: Letter to the Editor.


I read the June 30 edition of your newspaper, devoted to the Milosevic case,
with great interest and said to myself: "After all, NYT came to its senses
and is no more just one anti-Serbian racist trash". But, reading "Milosevic
and beginning of Honesty" prevented me to jump to that conclusion. This
peace of anti-Serbian genocidal garbage is a testimony that NYT remains what
it has been last ten years: an instrument of the genocide against Serbian
people. The statement "The trial's usefulness will not be to determine his
[Mr. Milosevic's] guilt or innocence - even a legal dream team will have a
hard time getting him off the hook - but to educate Serbs about the crimes
he masterminded in their name and with their support. For Serbia,
extraditing Mr. Milosevic may be easier than accepting the truth" is a
Goebellsian sick propaganda. Not a single word that Mr. Milosevic was
KIDNAPPED in the center of Belgrade by NATO and their Belgrade traitors on
behalf of the so-called Hague Tribunal, the greatest blow to the concept of
justice and an instrument of the genocide against Serbian people.

The truth is that the Serbs are the greatest victims of a policy "divide at
impera" and of the occupation of the Balkans by NATO, masterminded and
executed by the USA, and more then supported by your once upon a time
respected paper. Instead educating the Serbs, why don't you educate yourself
at least by those Americans who see that if Milosevic is a war criminal then
Lincoln is at least a hundred times greater criminal. The "philosophy" you
are pursuing whenever you speak of the Serbs is that a state HAS NO RIGHT TO
OPPOSE ARMED SECESSION; it must just succumb to secessionist criminals. But
of course you are not so stupid to believe in such a philosophy - it is
valid ONLY with regard to the Serbs and their state.

Dr. Milan Tepavac, Belgrade, Yugoslavia

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Saturday, June 30, 2001 OP-ED

Milosevic and the Beginning of Honesty


When Bob Stewart, who commanded the first regiment of British peacekeepers
in Bosnia, was asked by the BBC for his reaction to the extradition of
Slobodan Milosevic, he responded with one joyous word: "Hallelujah."

Across Europe and America, similar words of thanks - and astonishment - were
whispered and shouted by people who did not expect the former Serbian leader
to wind up at The Hague so soon after being toppled from power. Yet there he
is, behind bars at the United Nations detention center, with a coffee maker
in his cell and a war-crimes trial in his future.

The time has come, in other words, to look beyond Mr. Milosevic. The trial's
usefulness will not be to determine his guilt or innocence - even a legal
dream team will have a hard time getting him off the hook - but to educate
Serbs about the crimes he masterminded in their name and with their support.
For Serbia, extraditing Mr. Milosevic may be easier than accepting the

Serbs have been notably reluctant to admit they were the authors, not the
victims, of war crimes. Taking responsibility for these deeds is a condition
of reconciliation between Serbs and their onetime enemies. The new Serbian
government, under Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic, recently began the process
of deprogramming. It has publicized the discovery in Serbia of mass graves
of Kosovars murdered by Mr. Milosevic's security forces.

But that candor may have had less to do with Mr. Djindjic's yearning for
truth than with his desire to weaken opposition to Mr. Milosevic's
extradition, thus clearing the way for an infusion of Western aid.

With Mr. Milosevic at The Hague, Serbs may be tempted to think, "Out of
sight, out of mind." Most Serbs view the United Nations tribunal as biased,
noting that Franjo Tudjman, the late Croatian president, was never indicted,
although he was clearly guilty of war crimes in Bosnia.

As a result, Serbs have all but ignored The Hague trials so far. Western
governments need to improve the tribunal's profile and credibility in

They need to provide the funds, and apply whatever pressure is needed, to
ensure that Mr. Milosevic's trial is broadcast on television and radio in
Serbia. They also need to provide Serb journalists with the financial
resources to travel to The Hague to cover the trial, which is likely to be

To the extent it's possible, the goal is to ensure that the verdict is
accepted by Serbs. Every effort should be made to include Serb judges on the
panel of international jurists who will determine Mr. Milosevic's fate. And
if security concerns can be met, part of the trial might even be held in

There is ample reason for supporters of global justice to whisper
"hallelujah" this weekend, but Slobodan Milosevic's extradition is just a
first step. Serbia is only beginning its reckoning with history; deadly and
durable myths must be destroyed.

Peter Maass is the author of ``Love Thy Neighbor: A Story of War,'' his
memoir of covering the conflict in Bosnia.


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