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Thank you Sonja!!!

I think we should all be writing letters to papers that are covering the 
arguments against the Hague and to praise them for their bravery to post such 
views and urging them to adopt an honorable editorial position in this regard 
as well (without, of course, failing to remain critical of these outfits).  

Just an Idea: A fact sheet on the Tribunal would be a usefull thing to send 
to all and sundry editorial boards, journalists, and public figures of major 
newspapers throughout the world.  It would of course have to be written in 
NGOish language (pretty vague) but also have core facts down in perfect 
legalese to help counter the erroneous arguments about the Hague's 
legitimacy. This is the type of thing that lobby groups do all the time and 
it is the least we could do in order to assist in the deligitimization of 
NATO's militarism and its ominous forwarding of a global version of victor's 

Yesterday the Globe had 60/40 coverage of Canadian prosecutors at the ICTY 
and Canadian defence attorneys (i.e. Mr. Black) at the ICTY.  It probably 
wasn't the way we would write the article on Mr. Black, but the fact is that 
his ideas - and those of Jared and the lot of us - are making it increasingly 
into public discourse.  We should keep up and expand the pressure to have 
these and like-minded voices heard as much as possible, both locally in our 
own communities  and globally.  

Of course, parallely to this, we should on this list consider more carefully 
why we are being given more public space, continue to analyze the ways in 
which are positions are being subtly discredited in the major media, and act 
to counter these perceptions without compromising our own fundamental 
positions.  Just as NATO has consistently adapted and maintained flexibility 
in the rhetoric it employs - without changing its eventual, and long-term 
purpose (i.e. the conquest  and domination of the Eurasian landmass, 
especially Russia and eventually China and India as well), so too must we 
remain flexible and continue catching them of guard through a nimble yet 
effective defense that wears them down through unexpected attacks from 
unexpected quarters (just as Milosevic has been doing all these years).  

The more outreach we can do, and the more we can obtain public support for 
our cause (i.e. STOPPING NATO) the better.  To this end, "engaging" the 
newspapers and media personalities in a constructive dialogue - the way 
imperialist countries do towards the periphery, i.e. with a mix of praise and 
sterness - may eventually be to our advantage...  : )



In a message dated 16/07/01 18:56:18 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 From:           Sonja Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 To:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject:        Opening Pandora's box
 Date sent:      Mon, 16 Jul 2001 02:53:35 -0500
 Sonja Myers
 2602 Werlein
 Houston, TX 77005
 Tel: 713 668-4524
 Fax: 713 668-4547
 Re: Opening Pandora's box (July 12, 2001). Kudos to Mr. Paul Craig
 Roberts and your paper for seeing and publishing the facts as they are about
 "trial" of the former Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic at the UN "war
 tribunal." Apart from hypocrisy, the West has so far displayed an
 disrespect for everything they supposedly stand for. Above all - for the
 of law. The question is why is the civilized world supporting the Hague
 when it does not recognize even the common rules of procedure. In this
 politically motivated "court" things like sheer "hear-says" are admitted as
 evidence and the right of accused to face his accuser is denied. We did not
 that even in the Nuremberg "victor's court"! Where are all the men of law
 justice? Where is the outrage? Nowhere!
 The reason for it is very clear. "There is something rotten in the land" of
 America. And it starts from the top. From the President. The former
 Clinton replaced his failed diplomacy by bombing a sovereign country. Our
 current president, while continuing the same misguided policy towards Serbs,
 does it in a "humble way." Just as he promised in his election campaign. Mr.
 Bush is replacing his non-existent foreign policy with blackmail and
 e.g. exerting "pressure". Only, when he and his European allies succeeded in
 this less than noble action - they decided not honor the deal. The Serbian
 government has just been told that out of the $256 million reward (due to be
 paid in August) for kidnapping and delivering Mr. Milosevic to Hague, the
 million will be paid towards Serbia's current debt. The remaining $64.3
 "aid" will be given to Serbia in October. "Too little and too late", says
 Serbian prime minister Mr. Djindjic who believes that this will topple his
 government. So it should! There is a price to pay for doing dirty business
 evil partners. Especially when one is selling the country's sovereignty and
 nation's dignity - on top of all - for cheap. This lesson will not go
 by the rest of the world or by all decent Americans. I will remember it and
 who NOT to vote for the next time we have presidential elections.
 Sonja Myers

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