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Just a quick anecdote from last night:

I was at a party yesterday talking to an old friend.  I had known for a while 
now that one of her close friends from up north was doing a tour-of-duty in 
Bosnia.  Her house has several postcards from Bosnia plastered on the fridge. 
 In them her friend talks about poverty, boredom, and the feeling that "we 
are making a difference".  They're your standard "I'm a footsoldier of Empire 
writing home"-type letters.

What I found interesting yesterday was that she told me that she had spoken 
to him recently and he told her that (in her words) "It's pretty crazy there. 
 Kole he's been shot at like several times! Can you believe that?"  I 
immediately responded "Yeah!  Of course. (look of incredulity on her face). 
He's part of an occupying army."  Response: "What? Isn't he a peacekeeper?"  
I proceeded to tell her about the mass sexual slavery in Bosnia, NATO's 
involvement in it, why NATO wasn't a "peacekeeping" force but an occupying 
force, how elections are held but results canceled, how media is shut down, 
banks seized, and how no Bosnian really gets a say in how his or her country 
is run etc.  Her conclusion "Well X [her friend] is really nice, but now I 
can see why those people would shoot at our troops"  :-)

One down, a few hundred million misinformed souls to go....



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