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[Via Communist Internet... ]
----- Original Message ----- 
From: secr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 9:20 AM
Subject: [mobilize-globally] Thousands of protesters await G8 leaders in Genoa

         [mayday2k] Thousands of protesters await
G8 leaders in Genoa
         Mon, 16 Jul 2001 02:27:13 EDT

 [There is some disinfo in the follow article but
still worthy of reading]

"Host nation Italy is mounting one of the biggest
security operations the
country has seen for years, pouring in 15,000
armed police and troops to
ensure leaders from the United States, Russia,
Japan, Germany, France, Italy,
Britain and Canada can discuss global issues in
safety on July 20-22.

It will be impossible for the rich nations club
not to react to the presence
of the expected 120,000 protesters purporting to
speak for the "have-nots"
around the world."

07/15: Thousands of
protesters await G8 leaders in Genoa</A>

Thousands of protesters await G8 leaders in Genoa

By Steve Pagani

ROME, July 15 (Reuters) - When eight of the
world's most powerful leaders
gather in Genoa for their annual summit this week,
thousands of protesters
will be waiting for them.

Group of Eight leaders, with President George W.
Bush making his G8 debut,
will for the first time face the now familiar
sight of mass protests marking
summits across the globe.

Anti-globalisation demonstrations took off with a
vengeance at a World Trade
Organisation summit in Seattle in December 1999.
Not even environmentalists
Greenpeace could get near last year's G8 meeting
on the southern Japanese
island of Okinawa.

This year will be very different.

Host nation Italy is mounting one of the biggest
security operations the
country has seen for years, pouring in 15,000
armed police and troops to
ensure leaders from the United States, Russia,
Japan, Germany, France, Italy,
Britain and Canada can discuss global issues in
safety on July 20-22.

It will be impossible for the rich nations club
not to react to the presence
of the expected 120,000 protesters purporting to
speak for the "have-nots"
around the world.

Organisations representing the environment or
animal and plant preservation,
or fighting debt relief, poverty, hunger, the
spread of AIDS, cultural and
sexual equality, have been making preparations for
months to make their voice

"The concerns of quite a lot of these people are
serious," U.N.
Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who will attend the
summit, told Germany's
Suddeutsche Zeitung daily. "The politicians must
explain globalisation

But as at other summits since Seattle -- in
Prague, Nice, Quebec City and
Gothenburg -- police are expecting a hard core of
activists to light the
tinderbox. Past protests have seen clashes with
police, the destruction of
property and injury.


As witnessed at the European Union summit in
Gothenburg, Sweden, last month,
violence can almost totally overshadow the main
event, shifting the media
focus and grabbing the headlines.

Will it matter? Critics argue over whether annual
summits of the top
industrialised nations can spur any change anyway.

"They are reactive on the political level, but
pro-active on the economic and
financial level," said Franco Pavoncello,
professor of political science at
John Cabot University in Rome. "Any system where
all the major currencies and
economies can get together to discuss coordination
is extremely important."

According to the Japanese government, talks on the
global economic slowdown
and how to boost growth will figure large on the
first day of the summit on

The seven major economic powers were expected to
exchange views on a new
round of global trade talks to start at a WTO
meeting in Qatar in November,
and review progress on reducing Third World debt,
a Japanese official said.

A German official in Berlin said there would be no
mention of exchange rates
in the G7 communique.

After issuing the statement, the G7 will become
eight when it is joined by
Russian President Vladimir Putin to review such
key issues as the Kyoto pact
on climate change and combating AIDS.

The G8 was expected to make a statement on
regional conflicts, perhaps on the
Middle East peace process or Macedonia on
Saturday, and then issue a final
communique on Sunday.


The 1997 Kyoto protocol has assumed centre stage
at key encounters since Bush
rejected it, a decision which has added fuel to
environmentalist fires.

"Japan will try to come up with some kind of
effort not to kill the Kyoto
accord," Japanese Professor of Political Science
Kuniko Inoguchi told Reuters
Television in Tokyo.

To come away with a foreign policy feather in his
cap at his first G8, Bush
may prefer to focus on areas where common ground
is more likely, such as on
AIDS or debt relief.

Lobbied by the Vatican, Italy's new centre-right
government led by Prime
Minister Silvio Berlusconi wants progress on debt
cancellation. Foreign
Minister Renato Ruggiero intends to focus on
improving access to Western
markets as a way to alleviate poverty in less
developed countries.

To show its commitment, Rome has invited South
African President Thabo Mbeki,
Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo and other
leaders of developing nations
to Genoa.

Meanwhile, Ruggiero has kept dialogue open with
the protest groups, but some
are angry few of their demands have been met.

Unauthorised protests will go ahead, they say --
the biggest planned for
Friday, when some groups will try to breach the
top security "Red Zone"
around the historic port, which includes the main
summit venue, the 13th
century Palazzo Ducale.

Italy has hired a luxury liner to accommodate all
the leaders apart from
Bush, so they can be kept under tight guard in one
spot when they rest, and
far away from any street battles. No details of
where Bush is staying have
yet been released.

To safeguard against any attack, the steel cordon
around the city has been
reinforced with surface-to-air missiles, air force
surveillance of the skies
and navy monitoring of the waters.

One Italian activist said the authorities were
creating a climate of fear to
try to keep protesters away.

"After Gothenburg the situation has changed.
Police shot protesters. We are
getting ready to defend ourselves," Riccardo
Germani told Reuters Television.

Additional reporting by Reuters Television Rome
and Tokyo.

04:13 07-15-01

FOCUS: Bush runs risk of isolation at G-8 summit
07/15: AOL News: FOCUS: Bush
runs risk of isolation at G-8 summit</A>

.c Kyodo News Service

WASHINGTON, July 15 (Kyodo) - By: Yoichi
Kosukegawa U.S. President George W.
Bush, who has shown disdain for treaties on global
warming, antiballistic
missile defense and nuclear tests, faces the risk
of being isolated at the
upcoming Group of Eight (G-8) summit in Genoa,

It is uncertain to what extent Bush is ready to be
involved in the policy
coordination process among the G-8 -- Britain,
Canada, France, Germany,
Italy, Japan, Russia and the United States -- as
he increasingly takes a
hard-line unilaterally on key global issues.

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shall not be liable for any errors or delays in
the content, or for any
actions taken in reliance thereon.  All active
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