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For Poetry
Chicago Peace Forces Pick Up Momentun

May 1, 1999 
As NATO and the Clinton Adminstration, in open
defiance of the U.S. Congress, which voted last
Wednesday to strip the war against Yugoslavia of any
legitimacy, escalate their campaign of death and
destruction, opposition to this criminal endeavor is
mounting from increasing sectors of the public.
Panel discussions and teach-ins, the latter
reminiscent of the Vietnam War era, are springing up
on nearly every campus across the city. Radio talk
show call-ins and letters to the editor in both major
Chicago daily newspapers are heavily in favor of
ending the war and negotiating a peaceful settlement
of this tragic and complex conflict.
...NATO has killed thousands of civilians in less than
one month.
Clarence Page and Steven Chapman, both
nationally-syndicated columnists based at the Chicago
Tribune, have spoken out bluntly, and in Chapman's
case repeatedly, for an end to the bombing and a
peaceful resolution of the crisis. In fact, not one
single columnist in either daily, the Chicago Tribune
and the Chicago Sun-Times, has written in support of
the war.
The entire Democratic Congressional delegation voted
against the resolution authorizing ground troops in
the House on Wednesday, and one Congressman, Jesse
Jackson, Jr., voted against the resolution on the air
Most impressive, though, is the almost spontaneous
outpouring of anti-war sentiment from the general
population here in Chicago. Several mass
demonstrations have occurred in the last two weeks,
the most spirited of which, arguably, was outside the
Hotel Intercontinental on Michigan Avenue this past
Monday.  Major media networks and the press continue
to ignore anti-bombing demonstrations.
Wesley Clark, the Bomber of the Balkans, was to have
been the guest of honor at a fete organized by the
Chicago Council of Foreign Relations. Being otherwise
occupied, largely with raining cruise missiles and
"dumb bombs" on Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro and
Bulgaria, a last minute replacement arrived instead.
We were ready for him. An estimated crowd of 500
people gathered outside the hotel on Chicago's upscale
Michigan Avenue, Miracle Mile as it's known locally,
with bullhorns, banners and a simulated air raid
Initially prevented by the police from moving outside
hastily erected barricades, the urgency of the cause
gave rise to passionate and indignant chanting: "Let
us march, let us march!" This "disturbance" to the
normally staid environs and their elite pedestrians
evidently induced the police to relent, and we marched
south on Michigan Avenue past the Chicago Tribune
The marchers were a diverse group, reflecting the wide
range of sponsors: Illinois Peace Action, 8th Day
Center For Justice, the Serbian Unity Congress and a
busload of Veterans for Peace en route from California
to the East Coast.
Despite the diversity, though, our voices shouted in
As we passed the Tribune building and started on the
bridge leading over the Chicago River, one marcher
grabbed a bullhorn and got the crowd chanting, "Stop
bombing bridges, stop bombing children!" The effect on
passing pedestrians and motorists was profound.
After nearly ninety minutes of marching on both sides
of Michigan Avenue, returning to the hotel for one
final "salute" to the militarists, the participants
went north up the avenue to the historic Water Tower,
a landmark which survived the Great Chicago Fire of
last century. The symbolism didn't require comment.
The vicious war against Yugoslavia has unfortunately
brought out - or merely exposed - the brute in many.
But it has also brought to the surface the innate
decency, good sense and bravery of many others. I look
for the latter to soon overwhelm the former.
--Rick Rozoff


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