Hi folks,

As I explained in a previous email, I'm trying to make Views "statically
typed" in Stripes, like Scala Templates are in Play2.

I think I have something quite cool, that I'd like to share with you.

Here's a draft of an "article" I wrote to explain all this :

To have a look at the sources and play with the test app (java8) :

git clone https://github.com/pojosontheweb/ttt-stripes-quickstart.git
cd ttt-stripes-quickstart
mvn jetty:run
=> http://localhost:8080/

It ain't production-ready yet, and lacks IDE tooling (only an IDEA plugin
is available yet, and it lacks features such as refactoring, debugger etc),
but it's definitely promising.

A type-safe alternative to JSP. Finally.

Feedback/review most appreciated.


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