I would be happy to sponsor a hotel conference room, ie. FREE room, 
screen and projector on the 28th, say noon - end of day. (I have paid 
for an extra room)

I am holding a paid Struts class AM on the same day.

Let me know if/how I can assist more.
Feel free to fill up the agenda, I could do a FREE 30 minute version of 
Struts if needed.


> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: JakartaOne?
> Date: Mon, 04 Mar 2002 06:15:05 -0500
> From: "Geir Magnusson Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: "Jakarta General List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Jakarta General List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On 3/4/02 1:25 AM, "James Strachan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>JavaOne is around the corner. Do any Jakarta folks fancy a JavaOne get
>>together in a bar somewhere? Maybe Jon's new bar?
> I was thinking about this earlier in feb, but wasn't sure we had the
> time...
> I wanted to call it 'OpenOne' (but 'JakartaOne' is nice...) and use a
> space
> like Jon's where we could have both a social gathering as well as some
> short
> technical talks on things that didn't make it into JavaOne (for example,
> if
> it didn't have anything to do with XML or web services).
> Here's what I had so far as a draft :
> I would like to get a sense of community interest for the following idea
> Proposal
> --------
> Hold an off-site convention during the week of JavaOne to provide a
> venue
> for topics that didn't make the cut for JavaOne as well as topics that
> did,
> of course.  Examples include (imagination challenged right now...)
>  o bastard J2EE technologies
>    - template engines (could you guess I would suggest this ?)
>    - publishing frameworks (Cocoon et al)
>    - web app frameworks (Turbine, Maverick, Struts)
>    - ?
>  o mainstream technologies
>    - web services (I want to hear Sam talk about Axis :)
>    - XML-RPC 
>    - ?
>  o community discussions
>    - JSPA issues
>    - ?
>  o other stuff
>    - how about JDD talking about Objective C
>    - Gump sociology
>    - Maven
> Rationale
> ---------
> There are a lot of interesting things in the world that Sun's marketing
> crew
> doesn't have space or interest for at JavaOne.   Many of these things
> are in
> daily production use by people, and it would be nice to hear about them.
> Many developers will be in the area for this week, and if we could find
> a
> way to bring us together for both social interaction as well as learning
> about some of the topics we work on and are interested in, it seems like
> a
> win all around.
> Thoughts
> --------
> We have an in with an event space in San Francisco (hey, Jon!) and from
> what
> I understand, it has two distinct spaces, one of which can serve
> alcohol.
> So we can divide, cleanly, the social space and the technical space. 
> Those
> in the social space can bring their own, I guess :)
> However, I think if we do this, we should pay for the space (unless
> studio.tv wants the publicity :), and there lies a conflict of interest
> problem, but I assume that if the rate is competitive, as I am sure it
> will
> be, we can all look the other way.
> I don't know if we have the time to pull it off - it would be nice to
> put
> something non-lame together.  I think we shouldn't be aggressive about
> this
> - find a spot in the schedule so people aren't torn between J1 and
> this...

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