dmkarr      2002/11/30 14:25:17

  Modified:    doc/faqs index.xml
               doc/userGuide building_view.xml index.xml
  Added:       doc/faqs indexedprops.xml
  Added detailed FAQ on indexed & mapped properties, and indexed tags.  Added
  short section to user guide mentioning indexed/mapped properties, providing
  link to new FAQ.
  I'd appreciate it if people familiar with this area would review this
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.5       +1 -0      jakarta-struts/doc/faqs/index.xml
  Index: index.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-struts/doc/faqs/index.xml,v
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       <li><a href="ssl.html">Using the SSL protocol</a></li>
       <li><a href="eclipse.html">Installing the Eclipse IDE</a></li>
       <li><a href="netbeans.html">Installing the Netbeans IDE</a></li>
  +    <li><a href="indexedprops.html">Indexed Properties, Mapped Properties, and 
Indexed Tags</a></li>
  1.1                  jakarta-struts/doc/faqs/indexedprops.xml
  Index: indexedprops.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <document url="./indexedprops.xml">
    <author>David M. Karr</author>
    <title>Indexed Properties, Mapped Properties, and Indexed Tags</title>
    <chapter href="indexedprops"
             name="Indexed Properties, Mapped Properties, and Indexed Tags">
     <section href="introduction" name="Introduction">
       The JSP specification discusses using "indexed properties" in reference to
       the &lt;jsp:setProperty&gt; tag.  However, none of the support provided in
       the base JSP specification actually deals with the "indexing" part.  In
       truth, it allows for setting "array properties", but it doesn't do much
       for setting or even getting the actual values in each entry of the array,
       except in explicit scriptlet expressions (which are always allowed, but
       not recommended).
       The Struts framework provides much more powerful features related to
       indexed properties, but in truth most of the heavy lifting is not even in
       the Struts framework, but in the Jakarta Commons Beanutils package.  This
       package is used by Struts to provide this functionality.  You can see the
       javadoc documentation for the Beanutils package at <a
       The information particularly related to indexed properties is in the
       package description for the org.apache.commons.beanutils package.  This
       article mirrors that information, but focuses on how this functionality is
       mapped to JSP tags using the Struts tag library.
       The support for indexed properties also includes "mapped properties",
       "nested properties" and "indexed tags", which are all related but slightly
       different.  The latter is exclusive to Struts, but the first two are also
       provided by the Beanutils package.  This article will cover all three of
       these topics.
     <section href="indexedprops" name="Indexed Properties">
       The simplest demonstration of using indexed properties in Struts can be
       shown with the following simple bean and JSP page:
  package org.apache.struts.webapp.exercise;
  import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
  public class StringBean extends ActionForm {
      private String strAry[] =
      { "String 0", "String 1", "String 2", "String 3", "String 4" };
      public String getStringIndexed(int index) { return (strAry[index]); }
      public void setStringIndexed(int index, String value)
      { strAry[index] = value; }
       First note the two methods in the StringBean class, "getStringIndexed()"
       and "setStringIndexed()".  Note that the "get" method takes an "int" and
       the "set" method takes an "int" and "String".  The Beanutils package and
       Struts recognizes this arrangement of signatures as an "indexed property",
       in this case with the property name "stringIndexed".
  &lt;!-- indexedtest.jsp --&gt;
  &lt;%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %&gt;
  &lt;jsp:useBean id="bean" class="org.apache.struts.webapp.exercise.StringBean"/&gt;
  &lt;bean:write name="bean" property="stringIndexed[1]"/&gt;</pre>
       Note the property value of "stringIndexed[1]".  This is intended to
       reference the indexed property "stringIndexed", and the 1st (zero-based)
       entry of whatever array or collection which the indexed property
       As you might be able to guess, when this page is executed, it will print
       just the string "String 1", which is the corresponding array entry at that
       index value.
       This is a simple demonstration of what indexed properties can provide.
     <section href="listbackedprops" name="List-Backed Indexed Properties">
       A variation on indexed properties are properties whose type is
       "java.util.List" or a subclass.
       For instance, the first example using "" and
       "indexedtest.jsp" could use a modified "" class, like this:
  package org.apache.struts.webapp.exercise;
  import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
  public class StringBean2 extends ActionForm {
      private String strAry[] =
      { "String 0", "String 1", "String 2", "String 3", "String 4" };
      public java.util.List getStringIndexed(int index)
      { return (java.util.Arrays.asList(strAry)); }
       Note the different implementation of the "getStringIndexed()" method,
       returning a List instead of a String.  If this bean class is substituted
       with the original "indexedtest.jsp", the result will be identical.
     <section href="mappedprops" name="Mapped Properties">
       The idea of "mapped properties" as opposed to "indexed properties" is that
       the property represents a "map" type, as opposed to an array or collection
       type.  The signature of the "get" and "set" methods for a mapped property
       are different from the same methods for an indexed property.  In
       particular, instead of an "int" for the index, there is a "String" for the
       The previous example for indexed properties can be changed to the
       following to demonstrate mapped properties:
  package org.apache.struts.webapp.exercise;
  import java.util.HashMap;
  import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
  public class StringBean3 extends ActionForm {
      private String strAry[] =
      { "String 0", "String 1", "String 2", "String 3", "String 4" };
      private HashMap map = new HashMap();
      public StringBean() {
          map.put("zero", strAry[0]);
          map.put("one", strAry[1]);
          map.put("two", strAry[2]);
          map.put("three", strAry[3]);
          map.put("four", strAry[4]);
      public Object getStringMapped(String key) { return (map.get(key)); }
      public void setStringMapped(String key, Object value)
      { map.put(key, value); }
       Note the "get" and "set" methods to represent the mapped property.
  &lt;!-- indexedtest3.jsp --&gt;
  &lt;%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %&gt;
  &lt;jsp:useBean id="bean" class="org.apache.struts.webapp.exercise.StringBean"/&gt;
  &lt;bean:write name="bean" property="stringMapped(two)"/&gt;</pre>
       Note the property value of "stringMapped(two)".  This will reference the
       mapped property "stringMapped", using the key value of "two".
       When this page is executed, it will print just the string "String 2",
       which is the string stored in the HashMap with the key "two".
     <section href="nestedprops" name="Nested Properties">
       Nested properties allows you to combine normal properties, indexed
       properties, and mapped properties in a hierarchical fashion. A property
       value of a bean does not have to be a primitive like "int" or "String.
       The property value can be a bean with its own properties.  The following
       example demonstrates this.
  package org.apache.struts.webapp.exercise;
  import org.apache.struts.util.LabelValueBean;
  import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
  public class StringBean4 extends ActionForm {
      private LabelValueBean[] lvbeans;
      public StringBean() {
          lvbeans   = new LabelValueBean[5];
          lvbeans[0]   = new LabelValueBean("Zero", 0+"");
          lvbeans[1]   = new LabelValueBean("One", 1+"");
          lvbeans[2]   = new LabelValueBean("Two", 2+"");
          lvbeans[3]   = new LabelValueBean("Three", 3+"");
          lvbeans[4]   = new LabelValueBean("Four", 4+"");
      public  LabelValueBean getLabelValue(int index)
      { return (lvbeans[index]); }
       First note the use of the class "LabelValueBean".  This is a simple class
       provided in the Struts library which represents a pair of two Strings, a
       "label" and a "value".  It itself is a bean, providing these two
       properties with standard getters and setter methods.
       Then, see the "getLabelValue()" method, representing the indexed property
       "labelValue".  This class doesn't show a "setter" method. If you only ever
       provide read-only access a property, then it is not necessary to provide a
       setter method.
  &lt;!-- indexedtest4.jsp --&gt;
  &lt;%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %&gt;
  &lt;jsp:useBean id="bean" class="org.apache.struts.webapp.exercise.StringBean"/&gt;
  &lt;bean:write name="bean" property="labelValue[1].label"/&gt;</pre>
       Note here the "nested" property reference. It is first using the indexed
       property "labelValue" and then the "normal" property of the LabelValueBean
       to get the final result.  When this page is executed, it will print the
       string "One", representing the "label" property of the 1st entry of the
       array represented by the "labelValue" indexed property.
     <section href="dynamicindexes" name="Dynamic Indexed for Indexed Properties">
       When people started using indexed properties in Struts tags, I'm
       reasonably certain they started out with a high level of enthusiasm, but
       were somewhat frustrated when they discovered reality.  The reality is
       that the "index" for indexed properties often needs to be a dynamic value,
       usually from the "indexId" counter in the "&lt;logic:iterate&gt;" tag.
       For instance, the following example JSP page using the same "StringBean"
       bean class uses a dynamic value for the index:
  &lt;!-- indexedtest5.jsp --&gt;
  &lt;%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %&gt;
  &lt;%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %&gt;
    &lt;html:form action=""&gt;
     &lt;logic:iterate name="stringbean" property="stringArray" id="foo"
      &lt;html:text name="stringbean"
                 property='&lt;%= "labelValue[" + ctr + "].label" %&gt;' /&gt;
     &lt;html:submit property="submitValue"&gt;Submit Changes&lt;/html:submit&gt;
       That scriptlet expression for the "property" attribute is something we
       want to avoid.  The syntax is somewhat messy and easy to get wrong.  One
       way to make this a little cleaner is to use "indexed tags", but there's a
       wrinkle to this approach.  We'll first cover the details of indexed tags,
       then we'll talk about the wrinkle, and then finally an alternative to
       indexed tags.
     <section href="indexedtags" name="Indexed Tags">
       The "indexed tags" feature is provided by several tags that have an
       optional boolean "indexed" attribute.  This is only legal when inside a
       "&lt;logic:iterate&gt;" tag.  When the "indexed" attribute is true, then
       the tag will incorporate the loop index into the resulting HTML component.
       The several tags that support the "indexed" attribute can be broken into
       three groups, split by what they do to incorporate the loop index into the
       resulting HTML component.
      <table border="1">
        <th>Group 1</th><th>Group 2</th><th>Group 3</th>
       In Group 1, all of these tags will generate an HTML "name" attribute of
       "name[nn].property".  The value of each tag will also be initialized by
       the getter method corresponding to that property specification.
       In Group 2, these tags will generate an HTML "name" attribute of
       "property[nn]".  These three tags don't have "name" attributes, so since
       it wouldn't make sense to use "[nn].property" (no name value), the array
       indexes are attached to the property instead.
       The "link" tag in Group 3 isn't anything like any of the others.  The base
       description of the "link" tag doesn't even mention how this works, but the
       description of the "indexed" tag describes how it works somewhat (although
       it doesn't specifically say that it uses the name "index" if "indexId"
       isn't set).  In short, the "indexed" behavior of this tag is to add a URL
       query parameter, where the parameter name is "index" or the value of the
       "indexId" attribute, and the parameter value is the current index value.
       Outside of this, the "indexed" behavior of the "link" tag needs no more
       explanation, in contrast to the tags in the first two groups.
     <section href="wrinkle" name="The Wrinkle with Indexed Tags">
       The problem with using the "indexed" attribute to automatically attach the
       loop index is that it gives you less control over how the loop index is
       used.  For instance, in our earlier examples using the "&lt;html:text&gt;"
       tag, we attached the loop index to the end of the "property" attribute
       value, which was "labelValue" in our example.  This results in a "name"
       attribute value in the HTML component of "labelValue[nn]".  This maps to a
       "labelValue" indexed property on the "stringbean" bean instance.
       However, if we instead add the "indexed" attribute, and remove the manual
       attachment of the loop index, then the resulting "name" attribute in the
       HTML component ends up as "stringbean[nn].labelValue".  This will not work
       as is.  It can be changed to work, however.  From the previous example
       (indexedtest5.jsp), the "&lt;html:text&gt;" component would change the
       "name" attribute from "stringbean" to "labelValue", and the "property"
       attribute to "label".  With the "indexed" attribute, that ends up with a
       "name" attribute value of "labelValue[nn].label".
       So, it's very likely you could use indexed tags to support your needs for
       indexed properties, but you have to understand the resulting structure of
       your "name" attribute in order to understand what other attribute values
       you need.
     <section href="strutsel" name="Using Struts-EL To Avoid Some Of The Pain">
       The "indexed tags" feature was created partially because of the awkward
       process for encoding the loop index into the property attribute, using a
       scriptlet expression.  The creation of the JavaServer Pages Standard Tag
       Library (JSTL) eventually resulted in a solution that makes that process
       less painful.
       The JSTL uses a string-based expression language to evaluate attribute
       values, instead of using run-time expression scriptlets.  The engine that
       performs these evaluations is often called just "EL" (expression language)
       for short.  After the JSTL was created, a derivative of the Struts tag
       library called Struts-EL was created.  In short, this does everything that
       the Struts tag library does, but it uses the JSTL EL engine to evaluate
       attribute values, instead of the usual runtime expression scriptlets.
       If you use Struts-EL, you can get back some of the flexibility of encoding
       your loop indices manually, but the resulting expressions will be a little
       more readable, and thus maybe a little easier to maintain.
       For instance, following this is a version of "indexedtest5.jsp" using
  &lt;!-- indexedtest6.jsp --&gt;
  &lt;%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html-el.tld" prefix="html-el" %&gt;
  &lt;%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic-el.tld" prefix="logic-el" %&gt;
    &lt;html-el:form action=""&gt;
     &lt;logic-el:iterate name="stringbean" property="stringArray" id="foo"
      &lt;html-el:text name="stringbean"
                    property="labelValue[${ctr}].label" /&gt;
     &lt;html-el:submit property="submitValue"&gt;Submit Changes&lt;/html:submit&gt;
       The Struts-EL library is part of the Struts distribution, in the "contrib"
       directory.  The one drawback to using Struts-EL is that it requires a web
       container supporting the Servlet 2.3 specification.
  1.18      +26 -5     jakarta-struts/doc/userGuide/building_view.xml
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  +    <section name="3.3.6 Indexed &amp; Mapped Properties" href="indexed">
  +    <p>
  +     Property references in JSP pages using the Struts framework can reference
  +     Java Bean properties as described in the JavaBeans specification. Most of
  +     these references refer to "scalar" bean properties, referring to primitive
  +     or single Object properties.  However, Struts, along with the Jakarta
  +     Commons Beanutils library, allow you to use property references which
  +     refer to individual items in an array, collection, or map, which are
  +     represented by bean methods using well-defined naming and signature
  +     schemes.
  +    </p>
  +    <p>
  +     Documentation on the Beanutils package can be found at <a
  +     More information about using indexed and mapped properties in Struts can
  +     be found in the FAQ describing <a
  +     href="../faqs/indexedprops.html"><i>Indexed Properties, Mapped Properties,
  +     and Indexed Tags</i></a>.
  +    </p>
  +    </section>
       <section name="3.4 Other Presentation Techniques" href="other_presentations">
  -        Although the look and feel of your application can be completely constructed
  -        based on the standard capabilities of JSP and the Struts custom tag library,
  -        you should consider employing other techniques that will improve component
  -        reuse, reduce maintenance efforts, and/or reduce errors.  Several options
  -        are discussed in the following sections.
  +        Although the look and feel of your application can be completely
  +        constructed based on the standard capabilities of JSP and the Struts
  +        custom tag library, you should consider employing other techniques that
  +        will improve component reuse, reduce maintenance efforts, and/or reduce
  +        errors.  Several options are discussed in the following sections.
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                       <li><a href="building_view.html#presentation_tags">3.3.3 Other 
Useful Presentation Tags</a></li>
                       <li><a href="building_view.html#form_validation">3.3.4 
Automatic Form Validation</a></li>
                       <li><a href="building_view.html#struts_validator">3.3.5 Struts 
  +                    <li><a href="building_view.html#indexed">3.3.6 Indexed &amp; 
Mapped Properties</a></li>
                   <li><a href="building_view.html#other_presentations">3.4 Other 
Presentation Techniques</a>

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