husted      2004/03/23 03:49:34

  Added:       doc      bylaws.xml
  Initial draft of bylaws page. Not linked in. Other pages to follow, as discussed.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-struts/doc/bylaws.xml
  Index: bylaws.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <document url="./bylaws.xml">
      <title>Project Management Committee Bylaws</title>
    <section name="Project Management Committee Bylaws">
  Struts is a Project of the <a href="";>
  Apache Software Foundation</a> (ASF), formed by a resolution of the
  <a href="";>ASF Board of
  Directors</a>. As an ASF Project, Struts is subject to the
  <a href="";>ASF Bylaws</a>
  and the direction of the ASF Board.
  The Project is administered by the Vice President of Struts.
  The Vice President is appointed by the ASF Board. The Vice
  President is assisted by the Project Management Committee (PMC)
  and also serves as the PMC chair. The PMC may nominate new
  members. Nominees may then be approved with a 3/4 majority vote
  of the PMC. Membership can be revoked by a unanimous vote of all
  the active PMC members other than the member in question. The
  list of active PMC members can be found on our
  <a href="volunteers.html">Volunteers page</a>.
  <b>Duties</b><br />The PMC is responsible for the day-to-day
  management of the Struts Project. The PMC oversees all changes
  made to the codebase. The PMC must ensure that all code under a
  Apache Struts CVS is the lawful property of the Foundation and that it
  may be distributed under the <a href="";>
  Apache Software License</a>. All releases of a Struts subproject
  must be sanctioned by the Project Management Committee.
  <b>Subprojects</b><br />
  Subprojects are the Project's unit of release. Each subproject should
  represent an implementation of the Struts core or a releated component.
  Each subproject should focus on creating, maintaining, and releasing a
  single softare product or "deliverable".
  All PMC Members have voting rights in all subprojects. Members not familiar
  with a subproject codebase may abstain from any given vote. All Committers
  have write access to all subprojects. Subprojects are units of release, not
  units of work.
  <b>Creation of subprojects</b><br /> PMC members may propose the creation
  of new subprojects. Proposals are to contain the scope of the project,
  identify the initial source from which the project is to be populated,
  identify the mailing list(s) if any which are to be created, and
  identify the initial set of committers. Creation of a new subproject
  requires approval by a 3/4 majority vote of the PMC.

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