Can anyone help with using the struts validator on the struts
html:select.  I can't seem to get it working.  I've tried creating a
mask; and I've tried a range of min max values but nothing seems to
work.  I've got a jsp with 3 html:selects.  They are all driven off of
each other.  So, when I select a value from the first; the second
html:select gets filtered from the value in the first; and so on for the
third html:select.  So, when I first come into the jsp, the second and
third html:selects don't have any values until I pick an item out of the
first html:select.  If I hit the submit button as soon as I come to the
page; the validator fails on the second and third  select but not the
first.  I'm using a default value of 'blank' for the first item in the
first html:select; so it always has a value.  Could someone please point
to some code examples for doing this or explain how they did it.
Thanks for any help,
Jeff Cooper

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