Re: Dynamic forward in tiles

2004-03-25 Thread Mariano García
=LOCATION / /definition I think it must be a easy solution, using tile tags. what do you think? -- Mariano García González :: Ingeniero de Sistemas OPTIVA MEDIAPGP 0x89E8E4CE O'Donnel 29 28010 Madrid (España

tiles question

2004-03-25 Thread Mariano García
that forwards to a html page (made with perl). could toy help me, please? Thanks, Mariano. -- Mariano García González :: Ingeniero de Sistemas OPTIVA MEDIAPGP 0x89E8E4CE O'Donnel 29 28010 Madrid (España) t

Dynamic forward in tiles

2004-03-24 Thread Mariano García González
Hi all, I am newbie using tiles, so maybe this question is too easy for you. I want to use a tile definition in which, one of the attribute values is dynamic. It is something like this: definition name=tracebox.def.encoderconfig put name=title value=encoderconfig /

No getter method

2003-10-16 Thread Mariano García
Hi all, I have an ActionForm, an Action class and a bean. In struts-config.xml I have this: form-beans [...] form-bean name=connectionForm type=myapp.form.ConnectionForm / [...] /form-beans action-mappings action path=/editConnection


2003-10-14 Thread Mariano García
Hi all, I have a jsp page with a form, so I want to fill dinamically this form. I have a action which generates form data (request.setAttribute(devices, devicesList)). In my struts-config.xml I have this: action path=/editConnection type=myapp.action.EditConnectionAction

include a file

2003-09-17 Thread Mariano García
Hi all, Is there any tag to include html or jsp file into another jsp file? Thx. _ Mariano García Ingeniero de Sistemas Optiva Media Viriato,25 - 28010 Madrid - España t. +34 91 445 96 95 m. +34 651 03 33 86 © This message is printed on 100% recycled electrons

where I put my property files?

2003-09-15 Thread Mariano García
Hi all, Where I have to put property files? I am using Tomcat and Struts. I suppose I have to put them in WEB-INF directory, but my application cannot find them. Maybe I have to add something in struts-config.xml Could you help me, please? _ Mariano García Ingeniero de Sistemas Optiva

Write a bean property from a jsp page

2003-09-12 Thread Mariano García
. _ Mariano García Ingeniero de Sistemas Optiva Media Viriato,25 - 28010 Madrid - España t. +34 91 445 96 95 m. +34 651 03 33 86 © This message is printed on 100% recycled electrons. - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED

RE: Write a bean property from a jsp page

2003-09-12 Thread Mariano García
check that your Bean has get/set methods for accessing your property, also of course, check that Bean is in some of the JSP scopes. Ok. I have another question. How can I write on my jsp page a bean method result? For example, I have a Bean with the following method: public int

RE: Write a bean property from a jsp page

2003-09-12 Thread Mariano García
Your proposal before was fine: bean:write name=Bean property=property/ However not too sure about if the get method needs to return a String in order Java can actually make nicely reflection over the Bean. Otherwise I guess you would get a Not accesor method found Why do you

RE: Write a bean property from a jsp page

2003-09-12 Thread Mariano García
I don't want to access a setter or getter method of a bean. I want to write on my jsp page the result of a method. So, this method is not a typical getter method. This method has a parameter, and depending of this parameter, it returns an int value. My question is, how can I execute this method

Exception running Tomcat

2003-09-08 Thread Mariano García
classpath. Someone can help me, please? _ Mariano García Ingeniero de Sistemas Optiva Media Viriato,25 - 28010 Madrid - España t. +34 91 445 96 95 m. +34 651 03 33 86 © This message is printed on 100% recycled electrons