Good Afternoon...
I have a design issue that I am tackling with how to deal with in the struts

I have a Shipment class that can have multiple Container objects.

Each Container object has an attribute 'typeID' (int) which can have 1 of
the following values:
1,2,3,4,5  (as well as other attributes such as size, width, size, number)

I have a database table, Container Types, that stores these values and
related text descriptions (ID, Desc).

The user interface (web) will access the data contained in the Shipment and
Container objects.
I need to present the user with a select list of the possible options for
container type, such that the user sees the descriptions, however the ID is
the value that is used to update the object.

My questions are:
1. How/Where do I access this 'list' of data that I need for the UI?  Do I
have a method as part of the Container class to return these values?  Do I
create a separate utility class?  Do I create a collection of objects that
represent a 'container type'? I am torn on this issue...

2. Is there a good way to do this while utilizing the struts html tag

Thanks in advance for any feedback you can provide!
Mary Jo

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