I'm sure, this question has arised before, but I's quite hard
to find it in the archive. However, this question is rather short,
so I hope someone can have a short answer to it.

My problem comes up, when I do the following:
1)in YYYAction.perform I set a field of the form to a new value,        like 
        System.out.println("importantString before=" + myForm.getImportantString());
        myForm.setImportantString("The new value");
        System.out.println("importantString after=" + myForm.getImportantString());
2)then I forward to ZZZAction, (this action uses the same form in the action mapping) 
-retrieves some values from the database and populates the form
-then forwards to the JSP, that displays the form data

In step 1), I see an output like:
importantString before=A cup of tea
importantString after=The new value

But when I look at my JSP, I still see "A cup of tea" as the value!

Could anybody please tell me, what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks, Holger

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