Hello All, 
I am working on a mid-sized project and am having difficulty with the
layout and presentation of my detailed design document(s).
A lot of information must be shown for each Use Case Realization.
This is what I have so far;
1)       The classes and jsps used
2)       Description of the Operation (essentially what the Action does,
with help from business objects)
3)       Screen elements [(link, label, button), source (in the resource
file), and href (action or forward) ]
4)       form action(s) for the screen
5)       FormBean for the screen
6)       FormBean Validation error messages
7)       Action Errors
8)       Action Mappings
9)       What the Action adds/updates/deletes from the session
My document is a bit ugly, and was hoping someone out there might have
an example of a detailed design document(s) that represents Design Use
Case Realizations in a clear and concise way.
Thank you
Mark Conlin

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