I've successfully built a page that iterates over a nested arraylist 
displaying the contents of the arraylist in the following way

| Title | Code | Available? |  Edit  |  Remove  |
| rara  | 1220 |     X      | Button |  Button  |
| asdd  | 1435 |     X      | Button |  Button  |

In the case of the edit button I want to display an
alternate screen that allows the entry of the 
details (title, code and available).  In the above 
table I just want them to be read only.   I also
want the remove button to remove the selected object
from the ArrayList.

Can anybody tell me how I shoudl go about doing this?

Is it a case of embedding id's in the button and 
manipulating the array list using these ids and 
an action?  If so how do I partition my action
up into various parts to achieve this?  Is it a
simple case of using dispatchAction and passing
the id in the query string?

Many thanks in advance,

 Jonathan Holloway,               
 Dept. Of Computer Science,       
 Aberystwyth University, 
 West Wales,                      
 SY23 3DV.                        
 07968 902140                     

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