
The *only* reason for my last note was to tell you *why*
you didn't find a validation.xml file on your system. As to the
part about "spout off about how much you know", well, that's
just too funny. I may even have to save that e-mail :)

have a good one,


On Saturday, February 22, 2003, at 10:17 PM, w i l l i a m b o y d wrote:


i *am* impressed. and the impression i get is that you have no interest
whatsoever in helping me solve my problem, except in as much as it gives you
a reason to spout off how much you know about the validation framework.
which i've already clarified, is of no use to me and my setup.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeff Kyser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 3:59 AM
Subject: Re: Help: ActionError - <html:errors /> does not expand

Sorry, Will, I missed the 1.0.2 reference. Have only worked with 1.1.3,
and using the validation framework. In that situation, the
file is essentially a bridge between the validation rules (in
and the error messages in your resource bundle. And unless you'd
created one, it wouldn't exist. It could be named anything really, as
specify its name in your struts-config.xml file:

                 <set-property property="pathnames"

**                                        /WEB-INF/validation.xml">

but i guess all that's not much help.


On Saturday, February 22, 2003, at 09:14  PM, w i l l i a m b o y d

thanks for your reply, jeff.

i wasn't aware that struts 1.0.2 used a validation.xml file. there is
nothing like that anywhere on my system. besides, it's not the
that is the problem. the validation is working fine. the problem is
that the
paramater being passed into the ActionError constructor isn't being
in the error message that is being output.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeff Kyser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 3:06 AM
Subject: Re: Help: ActionError - <html:errors /> does not expand the

So what does your validation.xml file look like w.r.t. the rule in


On Saturday, February 22, 2003, at 09:00  PM, w i l l i a m b o y d

hello all,

developing on w98 with tomcat 3.2.24, mysql 3.23.36, struts 1.0.2,
1.3.1., servlet 2.2. will be deploying on basically similar setup;
deployment os is xp.

i got a jsp page that has a choice box that allows multiple choices.
set a
validation rule in my action form's validate method, that disallows
from selecting more options than permitted by my limit. if a user
the limit the form doesn't get submitted. the validation rule is
just fine; struts creates an error for it and adds it to the errors
collection. but the error message that is displayed on the input page
not contain the parameterized message as expected. instead, it shows
complete, unformatted message, exactly (minus an apostrophe) as it
in the resource bundle! does anybody know what i'm overlooking? is
this a
bug in 1.0.2?

here is what gets displayed (verbatim) on the input page after the
validation error is created:

Sorry! Youve selected too many choices for {0}. (what happened
to my
apostrophe in "You've" ?)

here is the appropriate line from my resource bundle:

      error.prefs.limit=Sorry! You've selected too many choices for

here is a snip from my form's validate method:
      ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
      if ( isTooManyPrefs ) {
         ActionError prefMusicError = new ActionError(
"Preferred Music" );
  errors.add( "prefMusic", prefMusicError );


here are the results of me looping through prefMusicError.getValues()

      error.prefs.limit's replacement value # 0: Preferred Music
      error.prefs.limit's replacement value # 1: null
      error.prefs.limit's replacement value # 2: null
      error.prefs.limit's replacement value # 3: null

here is a snip from the input page that generates the validation error and to which struts reports the error:

      <td><html:errors />&nbsp;</td>

what's going on here? why doesn't struts format the message to
replacement value. it's obviously there! at least *i* can get at it
from the
object array that i get from ActionError.getValues()! please, help!
in advance.


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