I'm trying to use validator with a sub-application.  To test to see if
validator could work under sub-applications, I am trying to validate just
one field on my DynaValidatorForm, expirationDate.

I can load the action/page that I need to validate, add some data to that
page, and then submit.  When I submit and I have bad data, I keep getting
404 errors, but when I insert valid data, the action successfully forwards
to where it is supposed to go.

I turned up struts logging to 99 in web.xml to try to see what was going on.
Validator appears to be setup correctly.  Validator catches the error in the
field it needs to validate, then, the uri gets mangled to produce the 404
error.  It is trying to forward off to "/mySubApp/mySubApp/inputPage.html"
instead of "/mySubApp/inputPage.html".     the method
"internalModuleRelativeForward" appears to be what is pre-pending the extra
path to the uri.

Has anyone ever run across this?  Am I doing something incorrectly?  I
changed the "input" to the action (editEtoRfq) that is getting validated
serveral times to try to resolve the issue, with not success.  I have put
the validator plugin in both the struts-config.xml and the
struts-config-eto.xml (not at the same time) with no luck.

Below is how my actions are setup.  Thanks very much for any feedback.

Thanks, Doug

<!-- action that we forward to to populate page data -->

<action path="/editEtoRfq"
<forward name="success" 

<!-- validating action for that page - 
     where editEtoRfq.jsp submits to -->

<action path="/saveEtoRfq" 
  <forward name="success" 
          true" path="/eto/listEto.do"/>

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