Thank you very much! That was exactly what I needed. Now I just need a little advice on working with Tiles.
Do I need to have a tiles definition for every single different view?

I will give a small example.

<definition name="page.default" path="/templates/index.jsp">
 <put name="head" value="/common/head.jsp" />
 <put name="centersection" value="center.section" />
 <put name="bottomtable" value="/common/bottomtable.jsp" />
<definition name="center.section" path="/templates/centersection.jsp">
 <put name="leftbar" value="" />
 <put name="mainsection" value="/common/mainsection.jsp" />
<definition name="" path="/templates/leftbar.jsp">
 <put name="first" value="/common/navigation.jsp" />
 <put name="second" value="" />

This will give me the look for my front page. But lets say once you log in, you have a different ''. So I would have to add:

<definition name="" extends="stinkytoe.default">
 <put name="centersection" value="" />
<definition name="" extends="center.section">
 <put name="leftbar" value="" />
<definition name="" extends="">
 <put name="second" value="/common/userinfo.jsp" />

That seems like a ton of work for each new view. If my 'mainsection' is my content area, that means I need to add 2 definitions for each new content page? Is there a way to dynamically insert a page as the 'mainsection' Am I missing something here?

Thanks again,


Hubert Rabago wrote:

Tiles is one way to do it.  Take a look at the Tiles Controller.

Check out for some
explanation on it.

--- Chris Blackburn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am trying to build a web page that will have multiple dynamic content
fed from multiple servlets. I thought I could just do something like:

<-- index.jsp -->

<c:import url="top.jsp"/>
<c:import url="/"/>
<c:import url="/"/>
<c:import url="bottom.jsp"/>

<-- end -->
What I would like to happen is have the struts servlet be run, and have
the resulting jsp page (defined in the <forward> section of my
struts-config.xml) be "imported" into that spot. This works just fine if
there is only one servlet being called, but fails if there are more. The
error is "Cannot forward after result has been committed".

What do I need to do? Do I need to look at something like tiles? Any help,
or references to some help would be great.



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