Here are your options:

  You can deliver the interim page but hold the
connection until the action finishes.  The interim
page should have javascript that onload will redirect
to a resolution page.  The resolution page will look
into the session for errors and redirect to the error
page if an error is found, otherwise redirect to the
success page.  This solutions is the best visually,
but has the draw back of breaking most Struts-like
architectures.  I can't say if Struts can support
this, but from what I've seen it can't.  You could do
this in a generic servlet outside of Struts however. 
Also, holding the connections caused a lot of
low-level headaches as far as dealing with web server
proxies, browser behavior, and application servers.

  The other way it can be done is to make the interim
page a frame set that has a frame that takes up the
full frameset.  This page will show the wait message. 
Then have a hidden frame which hits a url that does
the actual action and returns an HTML containing
javascript to redirect to the success or failure URL. 
This should be doable in Struts, but has disadvantages
visually where in some browsers the loading icon is
not spinning and the hourglass will show up only over
certain hotspots.


--- Biggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Greetings,
>     What I wish to develop is an intermediate page
> after certain actions. For example, one situation
> would be the user edits and saves changes to a form,
> in which I wish to take them to a interim page
> indicating we are processing their action. Once the
> action is complete the appropriate page is
> displayed; success (the changes to form is displayed
> along with a message indicating the changes were
> saved successfully.) or an error( indicating why the
> changes were unable to be saved ). Can anyone
> provide some assistance?
> Thanx in advance.
> Biggz

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