Nightly binary builds of the Struts-Faces Integration Library, updated to work
with the new beta release of JavaServer Faces, are now available:

As always, the source code for this library is in the "contrib/struts-faces"
directory of the nightly Struts source distro:

This code is *not* ready for prime time yet, but the test application at least
works.  Tops on my list is ensuring that it works with Tiles as well ... most
likely by having two different request processor subclasses and making you
configure the one you need based on whether Tiles is in use or not.  Not quite
as transparent as the old release, but it should be able to work.


PS:  While nowhere near as cool as the gift of eternal life that we'll be
celebrating tomorrow, please consider this a Christmas gift to all the Struts
developers and users out there :-).

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