I figured out the problem.  For the interest of the mail archives, the solution is to use regular expressions in obj.conf.  "*.do" is not enough for iPlanet (struts documentation should be ammended for this).  I found I needed to use "*.do;jsessionid*" in addition to "*.do".  This fixed the problem.  Note: rules.properties didn't seem to work either since the servlet is running from tomcat, not iPlanet.
----- Original Message -----
From: Jeff Trent
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 10:57 AM
Subject: Problem w/ session id under iplanet web server

The first reference to a [struts] form generates an action="/myapp/formAction.do;jsessionid=xyz"   As a result, iPlanet seems to not be able to complete my request and returns a 404 instead.  GETs and POSTs behave the same way when the session id is passed.  I'm sure its a simple iPlanet configuration issue but I'm stuck... Any help?

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