
When I tru to use the following piece of code, it doesn't work :

<html:form action="handleprojecteditrequest.do" method="post" scope="session">
   <html:options collection="listParticipant" property="id" 
                 name="projecteditrequestform" />

I think the previous one doesn't work because Struts doesn't find my bean 
"projecteditrequestform" as it isn't the same of my form bean.

But when I replace it with the following, then it works without any problem:

<html:form action="handleprojecteditrequest.do" method="post" scope="session">
        <html:select property="codcat" value="REQ">
               <logic:iterate id="elt" name="projecteditrequestform" 
scope="session" property="listCat" type="be.stluc.info.element.ElementSimple">
                 <option value="<bean:write name="elt" 
property="id"/>"><bean:write name="elt" property="name"/>

Could anybody point me to a way to solve this ?

Thanx in advance.

Friendly Regards,

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