Re: [Tiles Beginner Question] Href Tile Definitions

2003-06-09 Thread Sandeep Takhar
I think you don't want to create an action to handle the tiles reference right? If not, then you can simply create a global action that forwards to display say.. action path=/home scope=request type=org.apache.struts.actions.ForwardAction validate=false /action

Re: [Tiles Beginner Question] Href Tile Definitions

2003-06-09 Thread Sandeep Takhar
sorry I accidently hit tab on the last reply and it sent the email somehow (some weird combination of keystrokes). What I wanted to finish was the action... action path=/home scope=request validate=false forward name=display

RE: [Tiles Beginner Question] Href Tile Definitions

2003-06-09 Thread Trieu, Danny
Here is how you should do it: global-forward action-forward name=yourForwardLink path=/yourForwardAction / /global-forward ... action-mappings .. action-mapping name=/yourForwardAction ... Forward=yourTileDefinition /