Your form should have all needed fields for all pages in the workflow.
And the scope for the form should be session scoped, if you want to
avoid persisting all previous fields as hiddens. When cant use session
scope (for whatever reason) I use a tag that generates all hidden fields
given a form automatically, but i suggest you to use session scope.
Reset will be called before every post, so you have to pay attention not
to "reset" previous values. If you are in a wizard Action, you should be
using DispatchAction, so you have a parameter and in reset method you
can check parameter value to perform the needed reset:

        public void reset(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request) {           
                String method =
                if("firstMethod".equals(method)) {
                        //perform needed reset here.


-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Henrique Alves Lima [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Domingo, 07 de Marzo de 2004 07:05 p.m.
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Multi-page session forms

    Hi, everybody.

    Is there a pattern for multi-page session forms ? How should i 
proceed when using multi-page forms (like wizards) ? Must the fields be 
repeated (as input hidden) in all pages ? When (exactly) 
ActionForm.reset() will be called for forms like this ?

    Thanks in advance.

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